Two former vice ministers of the government of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Nervis Villalobos and Javier Ochoa Alvaradohave declared Monday as witnesses in the investigation followed by the judge of the National Court, Santiago Pedraz, for the alleged investigation of the police dome to … We can in 2016 and have affirmed that the former Deputy Operational Director (DAO) of the National Police asked them for information about members of the Pablo Igelesias party.
Nervis Villalobos, former Vice Minister of Chavista Energy, has affirmed that he met in the United States with Bonifacio Díaz Sevillano, who worked for Eugenio Pino, with the medication of the lawyer Martín Rodil and that in that meeting the Spanish policeman asked questions about who “could be behind Podemos”.
This is the same story of facts as Villalobos himself made last November in the Congress of Deputies, in the Investigation Commission on the so -called ‘Operation Catalonia’, although this time in judicial headquarters.
As Villalobos would have affirmed this morning before the judge, at that meeting Bonifacio Díaz – who is not among those investigated from the cause of Pedraz – delivered “police sheets” of members of Podemos. Likewise, according to the legal sources present in his statement, he said that they tried to locate people in Venezuela to delve into their investigation, in which they sought, among another, information on financing from Chavismo to the formation of Pablo Iglesias.
For his part, Javier Ochoa has reported – according to the same legal sources consulted – that held up to two meetings with the Operational Deputy Director (DAO) of the National Police, Eugenio Pino, who is investigated in the case, with Bonifacio Díaz and with Commissioner José Manuel García Catalán (not investigated) during which they both claimed the information they had about the origin of Podemos and the relationship of its members Venezuelans
In February of last year, the head of the Central Court of Instruction 5 opened an investigation as a result of the complaint of Podemos against the former Secretary of State for Security during the government of Mariano Rajoy, Francisco Martínez; against the former police, Eugenio Pino and against members of the one called by the purple party ‘Patriotic Police’. The party filed the complaint based on Martínez’s mobile overturning contributed to the Kitchen piece of the Villarejo case, also of the National Court, but in this case of the Central Court of Instruction 6.
The judge ruled out investigating former Minister of Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz and the former director of the National Police, Ignacio Cosidó. In the case it is addressed if there was an alleged prospective police investigation to Podemos by members of the police dome of the moment through contacts with high Chavista positions, among other roads.
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