She was in the car with her mother along the A14 motorway, sitting in the back seat, when suddenly, for reasons yet to be clarified, the door opened, throwing her onto the asphalt. It happened on Wednesday 7 June to a 23-year-old girl, while the car was traveling in the central lane of the carriageway, towards Bologna, between the toll booths of Loreto and Ancona Sud.
After the accident, the vehicles following the car managed to stop, activating the four turn signals and creating a sort of protective barrier awaiting the arrival of help. The young woman was injured, but not seriously: during the intervention of the traffic police and the 118 health workers she remained conscious, and was then transferred by air ambulance to the Torrette hospital, in Ancona, for all case investigations. Investigations are underway to try to reconstruct the dynamics of what happened: the conditions of the vehicle are also being examined to ascertain a possible malfunction of the door, which could exclude the hypothesis of a voluntary gesture.
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