“Tragedy outside the school” Fear among the people, two little girls involved: the toll is dramatic

Shock and fear in front of a school after a man was subsequently stopped by the police

An entire community in shock, a country condemning an act of violence against two innocent girls. Two little girls they were, in fact, stabbed in front of a school. The police have already arrested a man, who is believed to be the culprit of this attack, the causes of which are not yet known. He will certainly be questioned and we will try to understand the reason for so much violence.

We are in the city of Souffelweyersheim, Alsace, near Strasbourg. The community is still in shock over what happened in a school in the city in eastern France. The attack occurred around 2pm on Thursday 18 April 2024.

Two girls aged 6 and 11 were injured during an attack with a knife. The attacker would have already been stopped, as announced by the French gendarmerie. How are the girls who were immediately admitted to hospital doing?

The man arrested immediately after the attack is believed to be a thirty-year-old with mental problems, as local sources report. The other pupils who attend the same primary school found shelter in the school, where the staff created a medical-psychological emergency unit.

It's about the elementary school Rep, from the small Alsatian town. At the moment there is little information, although the Prefecture issued a note at 3.17pm to inform about an ongoing intervention in Souffelweyersheim, due to the attack on two students.

aggression at school

How are the two little girls stabbed in a French school doing?

The two girls are said to be serious, in conditions of relative emergency, as reported by some sources, while other media simply speak of minor injuries. The two girls would have been shot outside the school, even though parole is mandatory.

French school stabbing

What is certain is that a man, the alleged attacker, was stopped by French gendarmerie agents. This fact was in fact confirmed by the Prefecture, which continues its investigations to try to understand what happened. The two girls aged 6 and 11 and all the other pupils will be followed by a team of psychologists to overcome what happened.

#Tragedy #school #Fear #among #people #girls #involved #toll #dramatic



