TPI Fest Bologna 2024, the complete program of the four evenings (18-19-20-21 September)
TPI FEST 2024 – Wednesday September 18, 2024 go back to Bolognaat the “Nervi Roof“, in the square Lucio Dallain the beating heart of the historic Bolognina district, the TPI Fest.
The Post Internazionale party, scheduled until Saturday, September 21, 2024will see guests some of the most famous names in Italian politics and journalism: from Giuseppe Count to Elly Thinpassing through Matteo LeporAlexander By the BaptistNicholas FratoianniJohn CuperloGeorge MuleClear Hanger and many more.

Prime Time (Wednesday, September 18)
The TPI Fest 2024 takes off Wednesday, September 18 2024 at hours 6.30pm with a press review curated by Stefano Mentana and Maurizio Tarantino.
At 6.45 pm the director of TPI Giulio Gambino interviews the mayor of Bologna, Matthew Lepore. To the 7.30pminstead, it’s the turn of the debate War and Peacemoderated by Giulio Gambino and Giuliano Guida Bardi, which will see the participation of George Mulè and Elena Basile.
Later, at 8.15pmStefano Mentana and Riccardo Bocca interview Nicholas Fratoianniwhile at 8.45pm there will be space for the debate The crisis of consensus on the left: how to start again with Nadia Urbinati, Marco Furfaro And Chiara Gribaudo.
To the 9.15pm Alessandro Di Battista, Cinzia Monteverdi and Valentina Petrini and Giulio Gambino are protagonists of the debate Domenica De Masi: the unpublished conversations.
The first evening of TPI Fest 2024 closes Alexander DiBatista with a monologue entitled Inconvenient truths.
Second evening (Thursday 19th September)
The second evening, scheduled Thursday, September 19, 2024after the usual press review at 6.30 pm, sees the protagonist, at 19.15, Gianni Cuperlointerviewed by Stefano Mentana and Giuliano Guida Bardi.
To the 8.00 pm Giulio Gambino and Agnese Pini interview Clear Appendinowhile at 8.45pm it’s the turn of the debate Rebuilding the Future, Together with Elizabeth Little, Victoria Baldino and Elizabeth Gualmini.
Subsequently, at 9.15pmthe director of TPI Giulio Gambino interviews the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly SchleinThe evening ends at 10.00pmwith the interview with Michael DePascalecentre-left candidate for the Emilia-Romagna regional elections.
Third evening (Friday 20th September)
The third day of the TPI Fest 2024 plans a debate at 11.30 scheduled at the Sala Borsa in the Enzo Biagi Auditorium. Here, Galeazzo Bignami and Roberto Tomasi discuss, moderated by Giulio Gambino, the topic Innovation and new technologies for infrastructure safety.
In the evening, after the usual press review, at 19.45 Giulio Gambino and Valerio Baroncini interview Francis Boccia. To the 8.30pm space for debate Ius Scholae: Is it really possible now? with Insaf Dimassi, Brando Benifei, Hilarry Sedu And Simone Gambino.
To the 9.15pm It’s time for the interview with the president of the M5S Joseph Contewhich closes the penultimate evening of the TPI Fest 2024.
Fourth evening (Saturday 21st September)
There fourth and final evening of the TPI Fest 2024 opens, after the usual press review, with the debate Bologna City Thirty.
To the 8.15pm Ali Rashid proposes the monologue Gaza of the peoplewhile at 9.00pm space for the interview, by Giulio Gambino, to Angel Bonelli. The TPI Fest 2024 ends with the workers of the The Pearl Group and of the Breda Group.
TPI Fest timetable
The events of the TPI Fest I am scheduled for 18, 19, 20 And 21 September 2024every evening starting from 6.30pm to approximately 11.30pm. All meetings are open to discussion, free and without preconceptions. Through debates, analyses and different points of view we want to offer keys to interpreting the present and a plural reflection on society, politics, the environment, culture and free information, without mincing words. To give you an idea, yours.
The slogan of the TPI Fest And: Get an idea. YoursThe cultural event is sponsored by the Municipality of Bologna and it will be free and with free admission.
TPI Fest! The Post Internazionale Festival’s previous editions: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
#TPI #Fest #Bologna #complete #program #evenings #September