The two normal people are at the exit of Mass, one entering and the other leaving, right on the staircase of San Martín de Brea, a very beautiful Romanesque church, but of medium predicament in the city. The two normal people are made to … One side for the faithful to circulate.
“I didn’t know you came,” says the first normal person.
“Not I was,” the second person replies. I didn’t even know that you went to Mass …
-I? Always What happens is that I get halfway.
-And so?
“Well, to stay with the desire;” So I can come back, if I want.
“But they throw her every day;” You can come back whenever you want.
“Yy, but it’s not the same.” Today, for example, I have seen only the second half. If you don’t know how you end, then you come back.
“But you know how it ends.”
“But it’s like in the theater: it’s a world.” Every time it is different. Knowing, you know everything, but then what happens happens. Everything is very alive.
“And what are you coming?” You did not go to Mass, right?
“Young, but it happened to me soon.” How I put myself with the discos …
“And what does that have to do?” They are at different times.
“Yy, but you sleep little …
“Well, you’re going late and that’s it.”
“Ya, but in the afternoon it is not the same.” On Sunday afternoon you feel like other things.
“You will be, it will be.”
“That’s not little.”
“You also want to do things in the morning and look at all these people.” When you have to go …
“Yy, but you don’t have to go …
“But you can also go on Saturday;” Saturday Rate Sunday.
“But only if it’s in the afternoon, right?”
“Well, we are in them.”
“Oh, now … what have you come, then?”
“Well, to see if my daughter is, who has come to see us the weekend.”
“Is it inside?”
“No idea.”
-I don’t understand…
“As I have already gone to the bakery and the park, and I don’t see her …
“And, where have you prepared food?”
“Where the new site, do you say?”
-Yeah. What better paellas do, huh?
“Very good.” Did you know that paella is not food, which is what is called the …?
“Yes, yes …” The first normal person does not want lessons. And, don’t you find it in two places only and already test here?
“In three.”
“Well, in three.” Go, there are no bars, for example …
“My daughter doesn’t go to bars.” My daughter is hard with bars, now.
“And goes Mass?”
“I don’t know.” I don’t think so.
“Well, to try.”
The first normal person does not just understand anything, but is so accustomed to everything, that, instead of discussing, he says:
“Well, you say, but I think, if they opened the nightclubs of tomorrow, they were lined.”
-Who is it?
“Well, who are.” There would be more open places, not just the park and where the bread. You could go to more places to look for your daughter …
“Yes, yes.”
“There are no nightclubs for children? Well, the same.” So you and I, after Mass.
“I don’t go to Mass …”
“But the disco still.”
“Would you go?”
“I accompanied you, of course.”
“What about Mass?”
“I would be just at the end.”
“Can you go to both things?”
“Toma, of course.” Look ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. Osanajé, hely.
—Oh, already, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ … what good hair those people had … I really liked that.
“Anyone and anyone.” He frowns. But which? Camilo Sesto or the other?
“What is the other?”
“The one in English.” That of the Christ that seems thrub.
“No, no, Camilo Sesto, Camilo Sesto. The owner of the SGAE.
“How of the SGAE owner?”
“The one bought the SGAE.” He started selling computer records, to record.
“You have?”
“You need to record, that was.” That I sold them more expensive.
“Is that?”
“I am like that.” That made Judas.
—What from María Magdalena to Paloma San Basilio …
“Oh yes, I remember, yes.” What a good ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, huh? I wish they will throw her in the morning.
“We can tell the priest.”
-The fact that?
“Let people sing in the masses.” We can give him the idea.
“But that is already done.”
“Is it in there?”
“Toma, of course.” Always I will praise, I have a friend who loves me …
“But what about Osanajé?”
-No. Osanajé no.
“Well, that’s why.” Do we say it?
“But what are we going to say? What were they going to sing that?” They will not see the advantage; It will give them the same.
“If I did the same, they would sing it.” But they don’t sing it, think about it.
“I’m starting to hurt my head …”
“If they don’t sing Osanajé, it will be because they are in the hands of interest, turn it around.” We tell you to see what happens.
-Did you know? Go see if your daughter is, go …
“The same is dancing inside, or something.
“You know I don’t understand you, right?”
“The guitar is with the guitar.” How touches the guitar …
“Well, the same.”
“Well, that.” I dared.
“I had ajajé … and Saná.
#Tomorrow #nightclubs