Drafting Note: The complaint of Ruth Ortiz He has judicially paralyzed the distribution and promotion of ‘The Hate’, Luisgé Martín’s book that has been edited by Anagram. Editorial’s lawyers are doing a reading in a hurry to study the … possible implications penalties of its publication in an opinion that could be known imminently. Once the anagram consequences will decide if you put the book on sale and continue with the promotion plans.
‘Hate’ is written as “A trip to the mind of the murderer”according to the author. The book has three parts: the first, ‘Self -portrait of José Breton’, tells the history and personality of the criminal, his relationships and sentimental conflicts. The second, ‘The Crime’, presents a story of the murders and police investigation. The third is titled ‘The Confession’ And he tells how Luisgé Martín was making contact with Breton through calls and letters to a personal interview in jail, in which the murderer showed, as he recounts, his repentance and asked him to maintain contact and include a letter of his in the book.
This review of ABC Cultural The firm Our critic Juan Ángel Juristo and is limited to a reading of the literary values of the work. It was written before nothing was known about the complaint of Ruth Ortiz or the development of this case in the courts
By Juan Ángel Juristo
«Luisgé Martín has interfered in the length of the limits in several books of his, such a hundred nights ‘or’ The love of the setback ‘, where we could include’ am I normal? sentimental, maybe because of A certain decorum before the ease of its manipulation.
In ‘Hate’ analyzes, it dissects many times, the case of José Bretón, which on October 8, 2011 murdered Ruth and Javiersix and two years of age, his children, who burned until he left a trace on his farm of the burners and that in a typical case of what is now called Vicaria violence, that is, to kill the children to do more damage to his wife than if he had killed her, he was sentenced to forty years in prison.
Alevosy crimes are the attraction of writers forever because, in principle, they are supposed to excrete the social and, therefore, worthy of study of our most hidden personality: there is still the murderer Moosbrugger, of ‘The man without attributes’, of Robert Musil, disturbing me with his arguments.
Luisgé Martín, in a narrative display that follows in the steps of Enmanuel Carrère in ‘The Adversary’ and, above all, the masterpiece that opens the curtain of this type of gender, ‘A cold blood’, by Truman Capotehe has been dealing with Breton for more than three years, a character that fascinates him, if he had not granted him years of his own existence by dedicating himself to other needs, and the result has been this book, which is wise for several reasons: of course by the way in which it is written, with that des subjectivityalways that of the author and never that of the actor because I believe that in the book it is very clear that no one is able to investigate in the ultimate interior of a person, which would in short the last veil of Maya.
Luisgé Martín atisba clearly that the resentment is even aimed at any person, over time it is objectified until the degree of generalized grievance. In a sense, it is the same conclusion that Juan Manuel de Prada arrives with his character Fernando Navales for very different reasons in his latest novel, ‘A thousand eyes hides the night’, a quite terrible thing that Martín links with that ancestral hatred that covers us from the beginning.
Hence that banality of evilthat Hanna Arendt speaks in ‘The Eichmann case’, and of which Martín takes care of in the book, be a misunderstood concept because he would mean looking at life with two account books, which serves us to make us better and the other, the banal, with that burden that remains terribility to the matter for what he has for free. Of course, Luisgé Martín is a little given person to theological thinking and in this very good book he shows it, but facing evil is something as dark as our own origin and here the saving ideas begin to stagger, as the Greeks well knew. A great story ».
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