Asking for a mortgage is an important step in which both external factors, as the situation of the real estate and financial market, as well as the characteristics and Personal situations of the interested party in getting that mortgage loans to acquire a home.
In this last point a key factor enters banks, something that is taken into account to opt for better conditions in the mortgage: The client profile. What does this mean? Well, the banks are going to look for security conditions that, when they are met, will make the interested party opt for advantages in terms of interest rates, links with the financial entity, etc.
In fact, this profile of customers who go in search of the best conditions in their mortgage loan is a recurring theme in the housing office that organizes Together with the experts of IaHorro, who always give guidelines to know What are banks looking for in their customers and how to get the best offers by these financial entities.
The salary to be a good profile for the bank
During the different questions that have been answered in the housing office, the two mortgage experts, José Paino and Enrique Wazzan, have commented Some of the features that a good profile has to haveas well as the recommendations of mortgages that fit more to each of them.
This profile is important both to choose mortgage and to have a good negotiation capacity. If it is an uninteresting profile for the bank, with lower yields, regardless of the entity can denied the operation and not granting the credit, It is safer that the conditions to be offered are worsereducing the ability to negotiate by the client.
To be a good profile for the bank and that it offers the best mortgage conditions, many factors are taken into account, but the most important people go through A job with a fixed contracteven better if it is a public or official worker, since the stability is greater. At the same time, it is taken into account that the client Do not have other pending loans At that time, as well as its Net income
It is precisely this question about the salary to be charged for the bank to consider you a good client that generates more doubts. “What is a good profile?” He has wondered during the housing office, what Enrique Wazzan has answered very safe: “More than 2,500 euros (monthly) per head, by holder, that would be a very good profile”.
However, this profile is very concrete and it is about A niche within the real estate marketsince few people or families can affirm that they charge, as a holder in the mortgage, more than 2,500 euros per month.
“A middle class family, that copper between 40,000 and 60,000 euros annuallyit can already be considered as a good profile by many banking entities, always depending on your risk team, “Matizes José Paino.
In spite of these figures, everything must be seen, since on other occasions there has They are denied by the bank due to other issues. Good example of this are the people who, even charging 4,000 euros or more, They do not get the mortgage loans due to their bank movements.
Similarly, public officials or employees, even if they do not have income as high as those mentioned above, They also have advantages when asking for a mortgagesince they achieve the security and job stability requirement.
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