Both Spanish and foreigners, once they reach a certain age or have quoted enough years, decide Enjoy the pension and its retirement years in places other than that they have been throughout their lives. Aspects such as gastronomy, the great cultural offer, heritage and quality of life make from the north of the country one of the best places to pass this stage.
According to a Pamplona City Council Report, Vigo stands out as the city of Galicia where you live best and get the number nine position at the national level. In addition to the olivic city, the Galician city of A Coruña is also highlighted, in position 18.
Vigo, Galicia’s best option

According to this study, The city of Galicia with the highest quality of life is Vigolocated in the province of Pontevedra. To carry out the report, aspects such as purchasing power, cost of life, accessibility to housing, environment, security or health, all sought by retirees have been taken into account.
Vigo is considered the most ‘cool’ city in Spain, according to The Times. In addition, it has a wide offer of places where you enjoy local cuisine and quieter areas Away from the city center, as is the case of Coia, one of the residential areas preferred by families, which has all the necessary basic services.

Apart from the numerous beaches in Vigo, this municipality is located near the Cíes Islandsa Galician archipelago formed by three islands: The Island of Monteagudo, to Isla del Faro and that of San Martín. Reaching this paradise from Vigo is quite simple, since daily journeys are made to this paradise with beaches considered of the best in the world.
Spanish cities with higher quality of life
- Pamplona
- Logroño
- Oviedo.
- Santander
- Burgos.
- Valencia.
- Castelló de la Plana.
- Cartagena
- Vigo
- Lion.
- Madrid.
- Salamanca.
- Girona
- Cordova.
- Malaga.
- Saragossa.
- Gijón
- A Coruña.
- Valladolid.
- Tarragona
- Alicante
- Grenade.
- Bilbao.
- Seville.
- Las Palmas.
- Palma de Mallorca.
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- Getafe.
- Murcia.
- Barcelona.
- Almería.
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