In Spain, according to the National Statistics Institute, The unique breastfeeding rate at six months of the baby is 29 percent, while the mixed (chest and bottle) drops to 18.42. These figures are translated into almost half of the mothers keep breastfeeding until the recommended time For experts. So far, all normal and natural, without major complications.
The real problem arises when mothers stop breastfeeding (whatever it may be) and must be established What, when and how much should eat The baby It is at this precise moment when doubts appear, fears, but also when generalities work worse. That is, your baby will be eating the right thing when you see you feel satiated and its growth curve carries the right paths. We talk to an expert in child food.
When do I start feeding my baby, beyond breastfeeding?

Normally, it is around six months when mothers start complementary feeding for most babies. Until that time, whenever possible, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the baby take breastfeeding on demand According to his appetite.
To understand what are the guidelines to follow, and get an idea of what is best for the little ones, we have talked to Alicia Santamaría, Child Nutrition Expert and scientific marketing of Ordesa laboratories. “There is no correct or incorrect response, in terms of the amount that the baby must eat; it depends on each specific case, the weight and stature of the child and its appetite. The appropriate amount will be one that allows to maintain a good growth curve,” he begins explaining.
Despite this assertion, Santamaría is committed to a series of general guidelines that we should try to take into account to go on the right path and Seeing our baby grow strong and healthy.
General guidelines to start feeding our baby

The first recommendations of the nutrition expert is to introduce new food one by one, to have the necessary margin that allows us to identify possible allergies or intolerances.
“At first it is essential to start with small quantities for the baby You get used to new textures and flavors. It can be recommended, for example, one or two teaspoons of well -cooked vegetable puree or crushed fruits, always adapting the consistency to their swallowing capacity. “
As the baby adapts to foods with greater consistency until it reaches solids, “it is important Gradually increase portions and diversify food. Between six and nine months, experts recommend starting with a small amount of between two and four tablespoons of puree in each meal, and then increasing this amount, and varying the composition of the purees with foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables or foods of animal origin such as meat and fish. “
During this stage “cereal porrides can be useful as an option for breakfast and snacks, rich in carbohydrates and an optimal energy source for the baby, which is in a period of intense growth. Many of them are rich in fiber, iron, zinc and vitamins, and help cover the infant requirements of these nutrients. “
What is the Baby-Led-Weaning method? When ‘sends’ the baby

In the case of choosing to apply the Baby-Led-Weaning method, so fashionable, Santamaría advises “to consult with the pediatrics expert to track your baby if you are prepared to apply it. In any case, it is essential Pay attention to the baby satiety signs to avoid overhabiting it. If your baby turns his head, closes his mouth or shows disinterest in food, he is likely to be satisfied, do not insist. “
Apart, we must take into account that “the baby may need time to get used to certain foods, so it is important to be patient and incorporate new textures and flavors into food. You offer them more than 10 times a new taste to get used to to the same “.
Although solids begin to be part of the baby’s diet at this time of growth, “breast milk or continuation milk should continue to be the main source of nutrition during the first year of life. At least, it is recommended that babies take half a liter of milk a day. When they are older, it must be their equivalent in dairy derivatives to ensure that they cover their calcium requirements, “concludes the Ordesa expert.
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