There are few apps or platforms that we use more than WhatsApp, and the instant messaging service has fully infiltrated our lives, and now parents, children and even grandparents have a registered account.
In Spain alone there are more than 33 million users, the vast majority of whom use the app daily to stay in touch with their partners, friends, family, co-workers or even strangers.
Part of the success of WhatsApp lies in the fact that the app allows you all imaginable forms of communication with messages, audios, calls or video calls, but not only that, but it also allows Send all types of files such as documents, photos or videos.
As you can imaginethey all take up spacefirst of all on your WhatsApp account (which has a free limit), but also on your own device. With the passage of time, The memory of your device can fill up and become saturated, causing a decrease in its performance.
For this reason It is important to free up space on your mobileand surely you didn’t know that WhatsApp has a kind of recycle bin where it stores deleted files and documents, but which continue to take up some space on our device.
The truth is that this trash can We will only be able to find it on Android devices, and although its location may vary depending on the manufacturer and model, in general terms the steps to follow are as follows:
Where is the WhatsApp recycle bin
- On your Android phone, Open the administrator/file manager app.
- Here look for the WhatsApp app, It can be found in different places depending on the model, in the case of mine, I had to click on More.
- All the documents, photos and videos that have been passed to you in the app will open.
- Select the ones you don’t want and delete them to free up storage space.
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