Civil Guard troops have found this Thursday morning the vehicle From Elizabeth Gil, the 37 -year -old girl from Cheste (Valencia) disappeared during the Dana on October 29 when she was driving with her mother on the way to work.
The vehicle, as the provinces have advanced, has been found empty, Without the body of the young woman inside. The Dana has left 224 fatalities – officials – and three missing: Elizabeth; José Javier, a man from Pedralba who was with his daughter, a young woman with Down syndrome whose lifeless body was found; And Francisco, the grandfather who saved his two grandchildren after locating them on the roof of the vehicle when he caught the flood by Montserrat.
Elizabet disappeared on October 29 in the afternoon when he was driving in his vehicle, a Ford Focus of the year 2005, next to his mother, near the Hotel La Carreta de Chiva. The body of the parent was found a few days after the flood, but not that of Eli.
A Civil Guard search operation Since then, Elizabeth’s car and tracked different beds that brought down vehicles destroyed by the Dana. In total, this team had already supervised more than 400 vehicles, as Europa Press has learned.
This morning, the agents have reviewed a campaign located in Quart de Poblet, near the Poyo Barranco, where some totally shattered cars were left. During the supervision they have noticed some pieces that could correspond to the interior of a Ford Focus, which has stopped to analyze them.
Both the chassis and the vehicle registration were destroyed and unrecognizable -They were an iron knead-, but they have been able to reach the glove compartment and inside was Elizabeth’s documentation.
The vehicle identification tasks have been very complicated and expensive but, finally, the agents have been able to determine that it was Elizabeth’s car. Inside there was no trace of the young woman.
#find #woman #woman #missing #Dana #Valencia