Many admirers of the couple were shocked, expressing despair and hope for a now miraculous reconciliation.
It’s been talked about for a couple of days, it was in the air, the former golden couple of Big Brother formed by Mirko Brunetti And Pearl Vatiero It will no longer be the idyll we have been accustomed to for a long time. The two, in fact, have announced their separation, putting an end to their relationship that had conquered the public of Temptation Island And Big BrotherThe couple has really “exploded”.
Even though there had been rumors about their breakup for some time, the couple’s many fans and followers hoped that they were all unfounded. Many said that it was just a temporary crisis between Mirko and Perla. The news of the separationhowever, was finally confirmed and deeply shook the “perletti”, the fans of the couple. We are not exaggerating if we say that a sort of collective psychodrama was generated on social media.

Many admirers of the couple were shocked, expressing despair and hope for a now miraculous reconciliation. Some fans have even had worrying reactions, ending up in hospital due to the shock. It doesn’t seem like a joke but, on the contrary, quite the opposite. Deianira Marzano shared a message from some Follower of the couple:
Good morning, I wanted to inform you that two of our girls are in the hospital. Our leader Matea Croatia is very sick and has not yet recovered. Vanessa recovered today, I spoke to her personally and she is better, but she is destroyed. They were sick because of Mirko and Perla’s breakup.
Others messages on social media have expressed similar sentiments about the love that surrounded the couple in these months of intense affection. In a viral video, a tearful fan says: “Sorry, I can’t make a video, you can see my face torn apart by tears”. The woman in the video also makes an appeal to the two ex-boyfriends, inviting them to reflect on their decision: “You are extraordinary guys, successful, you have a beautiful house and money. But these things lose meaning if you can’t share them. Think about it. Always on your side”. A truly affectionate and devoted supporter.
Fans’ reactions surprised many web userswho commented incredulously. Someone said they were seeing “absurd things” these days: people crying, despairing, feeling bad. There’s no denying it, when you care so much about a love story, even if it’s not your own, you can feel extremely sorry and hurt.
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