The Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid has taken this Friday to the Health Board-in which the Amyts-Sae-Sietess, CCOO, UGT, CSIT Professional Union, Satse and CSIF unions are represented-a series of remuneration improvements for The statutory staff of the health institutions of the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS).
The General Directorate of Human Resources and Labor Relations of the Madrid Health Service has led to this meeting a series of economic measures with remuneration improvements already agreed and ratified by the Ministry of Economy directed by Rocío Albert.
Sources from the department directed by Fatima Matute has indicated that two remuneration improvements have been promoted: the payment of the complement of continued care for healthcare (JAPE) It will be extended to different care units and the recognition of the payment of January 6, Kings Day, such as ‘Special Day’with the extension of remuneration effects by holiday and nocturnality to all professionals.
“The improvement of these remuneration concepts is due to an update of these two remuneration fertilizers,” they have clarified from the Ministry, which points out that “the time elapsed since its creation has allowed to detect other units and care areas where it is also necessary to guarantee continuity The patient’s care at all times and therefore the application of the aforementioned complement “. In this way, as they have apostilled, “it is proposed to expand the perceptual units of said complement.”
According to union sources, he has taken to the table a 20 million euro game for template increasethe payment of hours of the optional guard after the modification of the model of compliance with the day and the integration of family and community nurse.
Unions believe they are “crumbs”
The unions with representation at the Health Table have branded the “insufficient” measures, even if they are welcome. From UGT Madrid they have stressed that, although the measures are appreciated, “they fall very short in front of the claims” that have been doing for some time. “We are disappointed that the Jape day only contemplates those units. The surgical block has not been taken into account, so we demand that it be included“They have explained from the union.
Likewise, he has demanded that “the traps that are made in the management that assign professionals to units that do not charge the JAPE while their daily task is carried out in units that charge it.” “We miss the will of the Treasury to address the increase in the price of day extensions. Before the shortage of professionals there must be a fixed and well -paid price professionals who are willing to cover the absence of other professionals, “they have indicated.
From CSIT Professional Union, they have branded these “crumbs” measures and regretted that The request to increase the value of the time of guard, of the night and normal holiday is not addressed. “There are about 20 million in the 2025 budgets destined to the expansion of hospitals where they need it more urgently but have not broken down what they will prioritize,” added Rosa Vicente, from the Secretariat of the Area of the Sanity of the Union of the Union .
As for JAPE, intended to compensate “with a small amount all that time that is done outside the day to give the relief and maintain the continuity of care,” he said that “it is not only insufficient, but also, but also , it is seen that there is no will. “
For satse Madrid, Measures are “insufficient”. In his opinion, in addition to considering special day on January 6, the same should be done with December 24 and 31 in the morning and afternoon shifts and on January 5 in the morning and afternoon.
In the case of healthcare continuity, the nursing union considers that it should also be approved for other services such as the operating room and medical and surgical day hospital and all those services in which a shift change between professionals is performed.
#salary #improvements #Madrid #proposes #workers #Sermas