As every March, and well tasting winter, temperatures give a truce and the days are again longer. A trend that will sharpen with the change of summer schedule, which is carried out in much of the European continent. However, some countries choose to maintain the same schedule throughout the year.
The change of time, which will occur in The morning from Saturday 29 to Sunday 30it was established to take better advantage of sunlight and save energy, however, in recent years it has been the object of debate, since some experts point out that the benefits in energy savings are minimal and that the adjustment affects negatively to the well -being of people, causing disorders in sleep patterns and affecting productivity.
Countries that do not change the time
- Iceland: Despite being in a latitude where sunlight varies dramatically between summer and winter, does not adjust its watches and maintains the same schedule throughout the year.
- Russia. Although it is not part of the European Union, Russia is a relevant example. Since 2014, the country abandoned the change of time and adopted the winter schedule permanently.
- Türkiye: Although it is not a country of the European Union, it also chose not to change the time since 2016 and maintain summer schedule throughout the year, with the intention of making the most of the winter light hours.
- Belarus: Follow the example of Russia and does not change the time for several years.
For its part, Ukraine will stop changing the time in 2025as decided last July in the Parliament of Ukraine.
Outside the European continent, other countries that will not change the time are: New Zealand, Australia (part of the country), China (except Uigur de Xinjiang), Japan and the US (some states change the hour on November 4). Besides, The rest of the countries of Central America and Sudamerica do not change the time except for Chile, Paraguay and part of Brazil. Also in Africa all countries maintain their current schedule, except Egypt. The following graph shows which countries make this time change, who had it in the past and those who have never used it:

Until when will Spain change?
In 2018, a proposal was presented to try to suppress the two schedules that take place every year. However, as explained from the European Council website, “no definitive decision on this matter and no deadline for making said decision has been established“, so the current system remains in force.
Royal Decree 236/2002, published in the BOE in 2022, collects and establishes the Calendar of start and end dates of summer time For five years, hence there are no expected changes in this aspect, at least, until 2026.
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