Coinciding with the 80th anniversary of its foundation, the Paidós publishing house, now belonging to Grupo Planeta, has won the recently established homonymous award for the first time in Barcelona. The winning work is A million own rooms and has been written by the Argentine writer Tamara Tenenbaum (Buenos Aires, 1989), who has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires, where she is a professor, and teaches Writing at the National University of the Arts. In addition, he frequently collaborates with elDiarioAR.
Endowed with 35,000 euros, the award in this first edition has gone to an essay based on the notes that Tenenbaum wrote during the translation he made of A room of your own by Virginia Wolf. The jury that handed down the verdict was made up of the philosopher Adela Cortina, the writer Adolfo García Ortega, the essayist Gonzalo Celorio, the psychologist Gabriel Rolón and the executive director of Paidós Elisabet Navarro.
In the presentation of the ruling, Marcela Serras, editorial director of Paidós Spain, stated that “the Paidós Prize wants to be a declaration of intentions” and that it aims to “give voice to ideas that challenge and transform our way of seeing and understanding the world.” . Not in vain the publishing house, which was founded in 1945 in Buenos Aires, was the first to publish in Argentina the works of the analyst and thinker Carl Jung.
The starting point of A million own rooms is the fact that in mid-2022, Tenenbaum was commissioned to translate “A Room of One’s Own,” the famous novel by Virginia Woolf. From this assignment, the writer made a series of notes that finally led her to the completion of the essay.
In it, she proposes a rereading of Wolf’s book to reflect on the current situation of women, addressing topics of interest such as job insecurity, the disappearance of the feeling of love in the era of Tinder, money or resentment as a political response. In the delivery the author has declared that she sees A million own rooms as “a plebeian and feminist counterworld proposal based on the importance of beauty and work as axes of identity and emancipatory factors, producers of equality and freedom.”
In addition to this essay, Tenenbaum has published the book of poems Terrain recognitionthe storybook No one lives so looking for anyone, the essay The end of love and the novels All our curses were fulfilled and The last actress.
80 years of Paidós
The Paidós publishing house was founded in 1945 in Buenos Aires by two young university professors, Jaime Berstein and Enrique Butelman. Both created a publishing house focused on thought, which would publish Carl Gustav Jung. for the first time in Argentina. In 1980, fleeing the repressive political climate in Argentina, the publishing house moved to Barcelona. Finally, in the 2000s, Paidós was incorporated into Grupo Planeta.
National and international thinkers, both classical and contemporary, are present in the Paidós catalogue, such as Erich Fromm, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Hannah Arendt, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Zygmunt Bauman, Jacques Lacan, Noah Chomsky, Steven Pinker, Naomi Klein, Michel Onfray, Adela Cortina, Byung-Chul Han… With the new award, Paidós reinforces its commitment to Hispanic literature.
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