The well takes the lead in the battle for Uvesa, the second largest chicken producer in Spain, against the Ukrainian MHP. The Murcian company, owned by the Fuertes Group, has sent a letter to the Board of Directors and the company’s shareholders to communicate the binding offer presented by the company for an amount that has finally set at 312 million euros. Communication occurs after last January 24, Uvesa accused receipt of the offer and indicated that it proceeded to study it.
“We sincerely appreciate the consideration they are providing to our proposal. Likewise, considering the news appeared in the press and after a detailed analysis of the current circumstances, we are pleased to communicate that we are able to confirm our binding offer, setting the price of the same in An amount of 312 million, “says the group. ANDThis supply is subject to the minimum acceptance of 50.01% of the shareholders and the realization of a Due Diligence o Audit, “Without pretending to the price, but confirm the main circumstances of the company. ” We have, that is, a net financial debt of 67 million euros and contingencies collected in the annual accounts of 21.04 million, would mean a value in Equity of 224 million of society, which represents a value per minimum action of 171euros. “
After the realization of the aforementioned Due Diligencethe final amount would be determined on the basis of the previous criteria, “which we understand that it will be superior to reduced the debt.” As previously stated, the Fuertes Group stands out again, which “is essential for us to have the current direction of its company. We greatly value the experience and knowledge of the sector they possess, and we consider that they are essential to carry out the growth and development objectives that we have planned. “In addition, he says,” we have a clear vocation of growth and sustainability that guarantees not only the Maintenance of current employment, but above all the increase of it to achieve the proposed objectives. ”
The proposal of El Pozo exceeds almost 25 million to that presented on December 11 by the Ukrainian company MHP, of 200 million euros without counting debt. All waiting, in addition, the interest of several Portuguese companies, which have also been analyzing the operation. This is Lusiaves and Valouro, although the latter is smaller and less real options. According to sources close to the operation, the Board of Directors of UVESA is already holding several meetings in different cities in Spain with the shareholders to explain the operation.
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