Savings in homes has become a priority, and the price of everything goes up, rents, shopping baskets and bills are some of the most noticeable aspects that affect families the most.
This has made users look for even the smallest detail with which they can save a few euros, and the Catalan Energy Institute has found a trick for one of the appliances that we use the most that allows us to lower the bill for both electricity and electricity. of the water.
Endorsed by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), a simple adjustment has been found that you can make to your washing machine and that can make a difference at the end of the month. The washing machine accounts for up to 8% of the annual energy consumption in a homea percentage that can reach 11% if we add the use of the dryer, which makes it one of the appliances that consume the most energy in our homes.
Researchers have found that 85% of the energy a washing machine uses is to heat the water, Therefore, if you want to reduce energy consumption, you should start using low-temperature washing cycles.
Experts point out that To maximize savings you should wash at 30 or 40 degrees whenever possible. “Using washing cycles at 90°C consumes four times more energy than one at 40°C” explains the Catalan Energy Institute.
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