The event has been presented this Friday and will be held on February 9 and the route will have a distance of eight kilometers with departure and arrival in the Parque del Alamillo
This Friday, January 24, the presentation of the VII edition of the ABC Business Race. The event took place in the Plaza de la Contratación, specifically at the headquarters of the Government Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía in Seville.
They were present at the event Manolo Campuzano, director of the Alamillo Park, Francisco Herrera Leónpresident of the Chamber of Commerce, Zoila Borregocommercial director of ABC Andalucía, Ricardo Sánchez Antúnez, delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía, Ricardo Villenain charge of the general coordination of sports and health promotion in the City Council of Seville and Francisco de Paula José Juárez MartínTerritorial Delegate of Development articulation of the territory and housing.
The event will be held next February 9 in the Alamillo Park and the route will be eight kilometers also running through the La Cartuja Scientific and Technological Park.
The delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía stressed during the presentation that the ABC Business Race “accentuates the importance of shared effort” and that “highlights business integration through sport.” “It strengthens the values that the business, institutional and sports world share: effort, improvement and commitment.”
For her part, Zoila Borrego pointed out that registration can be done through the website and that both teams of three people and individual athletes can participate in the race. Registrations can now be formalized for an event open to all companies.
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