The Valencian government unprotected an flood garden area where a golf course and 6,000 homes were projected

The Per L’Horta collective has convened a demonstration this Sunday in Catarroja, one of the populations most affected by the Dana, to protest against the reform of the Law of L’Horta de València and the Territorial Action Plan of L’Horta approved By decree for the Valencian government chaired by Carlos Mazón.

As this reported, the new legal text is suppressed the most protectionist mechanisms that included the original regulations approved by the Botanist government with the Dana excuse, specifically, the Consell de l’Horta and the binding character of The reports on the projects to be executed.

The Association Per L’Horta denounces that the reform of the law involves the lack of protection of the third of the protected garden during the Botanist government by the law of L’Horta de València: “It aims to facilitate the urbanization of a total of 3,800 hectares of the more than 11,000 protected garden distributed in fifteen villages. ”

In this sense, going down in detail of what one of the approved legal modifications implies, the door opens to the construction of “unique sports facilities” in what was previously protected.

Specifically, article 35 of the regulations establishes that “in the recovery sectors of the garden it will be maintained as a land destined for effective agricultural exploitation, two thirds of the delimited sphere, at least, without other uses, constructions or facilities or facilities that those directly linked to the agricultural exploitation of the land “and adds:” In any case, in the recovery sectors that are outside the domain of the historical irrigation of the ditches of the Water Court of the Vega de València may be implemented The unique sports facilities that due to their characteristics are not susceptible to their location in the urban land, by approval of a special plan for each case and without this means change in the classification of the land. The area occupied by the building will never exceed 4 % of the surface of the scope for sports. ”

As reported by Levante-EMV and have explained experts consulted by, “when he says outside the domains of the Acts of the Water Court it refers to marjales areas that are currently only in the surroundings of the Albufera and In L’Horta Nord ”, in an area of ​​El Puig in which a project with golf course and 6,200 homes was planned years ago; The houses in this case could not be built a priori, since the regulations only speak of sports facilities.

These lands, in addition, (marked with lines in the image) are classified by the Territorial Action Plan on the prevention of the risk of flooding in the Valencian Community (Patricova) as flooded with geomorphological danger, which implies that “it must be understood as a alert to a potential flood risk, which must be studied with a higher level of precision ”. The Patricova adds: “This type of flood danger is associated with different morphological processes of the territory, which due to their characteristics, act as an indicator of the presence of past floods, not necessarily cataloged, whose processes can be reactivated in the future with different frequencies and/or magnitudes ”.

In 2014, a year before the municipal elections, the City Council of El Puig, with the PP at the head of the Municipal Government, tried to promote urban project of ‘Els Plans’. The complex included an 18 holes golf course, a luxury hotel, 6,200 homes and restoration, shops and leisure areas. However, the popular lost the Alections and never knew about the project. Sources from the current municipal government team of Compromís and the PSPV have assured that they have no record that there has been a recently proposal to promote the golf course and that in any case they will study the new regulations to try to Avoid it, the case.

For her part, the deputy spokeswoman of the PSPV in the Corts, María José Salvador, denounces that “Mazón advances with the counterreform in urban planning using the Dana also as a pretext to justify the decree that ends the protection of L’Horta.” Salvador adds that “it is serious that a custom suit is also the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation; Mazón does not stop it, in its unequivocal plan to return to the model of the PP completely urbanizable, it is a denialist of climate change. ”

Lawyer repairs

The Generalitat’s lawyer report on the Huerta Law questions the alleged urgency that the Ministry of Territory argues to approve the new regulations by decree, also linking it with the DANA, as well as the modification that allows to build sports facilities.

Warns the report that only “in the preamble the normative modifications adopted, without motivating or explaining in each of them, the reasons of extraordinary and urgent need that are considered to concur for approval by decree-law and their relationship with their relationship with their relationship with The consequences of the Dana, but there is no motivation of meaning and logical relationship of these measures with the consequences caused in the Valencian Community by the Dana. ”

On the modification of article 35, the law affirms that “it lacks an adequate justification of the urgency and also lacks connection not only with the modification that is intended with this project but also with the purpose of Law 5/2018 that is It is modifying, to protect the garden. Although the proposed reform requires the approval of the corresponding special plan, it is recommended to specify the precept to specify the sports facilities that may be implemented and establish parameters that ensure the protection of the values ​​included in the law ”.

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