The University of Cantabria eliminates from the selectivity the list of 40 historical figures that only included one woman

The University of Cantabria (UC) has reversed itself regarding the content of the new selectivity and has chosen to delete the list of 40 characters from the History of Spain subject in which it only included one woman, specifically Queen Isabel II. And he did so during a coordination meeting with teachers a few days after published the aforementioned provisional document in which female figures were ignored.

Thus, as the academic institution has confirmed to this newspaper, in the meeting held this past Monday by the Spanish History coordinators of the University Entrance Test (PAU) “it was agreed to replace the list of the 40 characters on the other of historical events and terms.”

The truth is that, as has been able to verify from other sources, these two lists were already present in the provisional contents, so now it has gone from three to two documents, thus dispensing with the text that is the subject of the controversy. . Regarding this, the University of Cantabria has not given any further explanations. Neither has it referred to the gender perspective, a competence that by law must be included in the content, nor has it explained what eliminating this list means when preparing the test by teachers and students.

He has only made reference to what happened at the coordination meeting. “These meetings, in which one teacher per center participates, serve to debate the contents and, by consensus, this substitution was decided,” the UC stated through its press department. “The rest of the contents were also agreed upon by consensus,” the university stressed. The fact is that, as this media has learned, there is discontent among some of the teaching staff of this subject both about the topics chosen and the way they are applied.

Among the main complaints is that such relevant issues of contemporary Spain as Spain’s role in slavery in the 19th century, Franco’s repression and exile, or the Law of Historical and Democratic Memory continue to be left off the agenda.

These are also topics that are included in the current state educational law, the LOMLOE, a regulation to which the exam has sought to be adapted with the changes that have been introduced this 2024-2025 academic year. The objective was to leave behind the criteria of the previous law (the LOMCE), which focused more on content, to adapt them to the competency principles established by the current law. The difference lies in knowing something (content) versus knowing how to apply that something in specific situations (competence).

And precisely, according to consulted sources, the model implemented by the Ministry of Education directed by Sergio Silva (PP), maintains “the learning standards of the previous law”, the one approved by Minister Wert during the Government of Mariano Rajoy. Emphasis is placed on “memory” themes, they lament. “It has been carried out by imposition,” denounce other sources in conversation with this medium, who also focus on the fact that the contents are being defined in mid-November, with the course already well underway.

On the other hand, among the modifications adopted after the meeting held this Monday, and in contrast to the absence of the topics mentioned above, it is striking that it has been included as one of the 24 short topics to be developed – 12 from the 19th century and others 12 of the XX – one titled ‘The Church as opposition to Francoism since the 60s’, ignoring that precisely the Church as an institution was the ideological support of the dictatorship.

#University #Cantabria #eliminates #selectivity #list #historical #figures #included #woman

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