Greenland and the ambition of Donald Trump for taking this land close to the Arctic has occupying the headlines of the newspapers for several weeks. However, there is a small detail on foot of every future attempt of sale, directly concerns the United Kingdom and has to do with a centenary document. Tom Høyem, representative of Copenhagen on the island between 1982 and 1987 and an expert in his history of this island, explained in ‘The Times’ that Un commitment to 1917, which is when the United States tried to acquire the island, it is still valid. By virtue of this, the British have the right of preference in the terms that concern Greenland. “If Trump tried to buy Greenlandia, I would have to ask London first,” Høyem pointed out. And in this case, to the United Kingdom Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
‘No, it’s worth anything. It’s only ice. I don’t want it ‘
To understand this statement It is necessary to go back to a 1917 agreement that had to do with the purchase of US president Woodrow Wilson of what today are the virgin islands of the United States. At that time, the US paid 25 million dollars to Denmark for its acquisition. Høyem, who is a Danish and German politician, says that in the midst of these conversations, an important businessman suggested the president to also buy Greenland. A proposal that initially wanted to rule out, «Wilson said: ‘No, it’s not worth anything. It’s only ice. I don’t want to, ” said Høyem.
But Høyem says he changed his mind and urged the Danes to include Greenland in the agreement. Denmark, which was not for the work, indicated that it would only continue with the sale to the USA. if he signed a letter in which Greenland “is and will always be Danish.” Wilson ended up accessing. «I have seen the original document in a museum. That means that the United States has legally accepted that Greenland is and will always be Danish. But Trump, apparently, has never heard that, ”says Høyem.
At the same time, the United Kingdom demanded to have the first right of rejection if the island was sold. This request for more than a century was also due to the fact that Canada, who was under British dominance, is relatively close to Greenlandiaon the other side of the Strait of Nares. Moreover, the historian details that since 2022, he shares a terrestrial border on the small island Hans.
However, this would not be the only acquisition attempt, in 1946, the US official of the State Department, John Hickerson, proposed to pay Denmark 100 million dollars In gold by Greenland, according to Associated Press. And after World War II, President Eisenhower tried again to acquire Greenland. He considered it an enclave of vital geostrategic importance for the security of the United States and an issue that was within the sphere of its legitimate influence.
Mineral riches
of Greenland
2.16 million km²
75% is covered with ice
56,000 inhabitants (2024)
to the same
scale that
Capital distances
of possible buyers
3,259 km
3,534 km
Resources preserved in ice
The largest deposits in the world of rare earths. Gold reserves, iron mineral, rubies, uranium, oil and gas
Oil fields, (exploitation,
Exploitation license or areas
of oil exploration)
Mineral exploration and exploitation license
License requested for oil or mineral
Fountain: Data from different agencies
Greenland mineral riches
2.16 million km²
75% is covered with ice
56,000 inhabitants
Capital distances of possible buyers
3,534 km
Copenhagen / Denmark
3,259 km
Washington / USA
Resources preserved in ice
The largest deposits in the world of rare earths. Gold reserves,
iron mineral, rubies, uranium, oil and gas
Mineral exploration and exploitation license
Oil fields, (exploitation, exploitation license or areas
of oil exploration)
License requested for
oil or mineral
The area indicated in OCRE is the
that has suffered an important
Ice loss, allowing
New prospects in
Search for mineral resources
to the same
scale that
and Wolframio
Zinc, lead,
Silver and marble
Circonium, titanium
and prospects
of other minerals
Niobio, phosphorus and prospects of other minerals
Uranium, Circonium, Beryllium
and prospects
of other minerals
Used for
Obtain aluminum
Fountain: Data from different agencies
Today, and with the return of the tycoon to the White House, it continues in its point of view with the same argument. Trump in Network Networks indicated: «For reasons for national security and freedom worldwide, the United States of America considers that Greenland’s property and control is An absolute need». That also has rare earths and resources such as uranium, gold, zinc and oil.
“In crisis mode”
Before the current movements, Mute Egede, the island’s prime minister, in his New Year’s speech requested the complete independence of Denmark: he declared that “it is time to take the next step to eliminate the bonds of the colonial era and move on ». AND He pointed out that the referendum could be held in April, coinciding with the legislative elections. Høyem is convinced that Greenlands should stay with Denmark. Meanwhile, an official revealed to ‘Daily Mail’ that “the Danes are in crisis mode, but Trump will not give up.”
“Starmer will try to pass an arm over Trump’s shoulder”
As for what the United Kingdom government can say by virtue of this historical agreement, Experts consider that an obstacle is unlikely. Among other things because Starmer is dealing with a delicate economic situation and an attempt to reactivate new agreements from Brexit. While supporting an Elon Musk who according to ‘Financial Times’ has studied how to knock the Starmer government.
To this is added that the recent survey published by Yougov showed that the 53% of the British prefer the EU as a commercial partner compared to 19% in favor of the USA. Since they export mostly to EU countries. Faced with this dilemma, a Starmer advisor declared ‘The Guardian’ that Prime Minister’s strategy means organizing proposals that Trump likes: «We are not suggesting that Keir starts playing golf from the shoulder to Trump while making clear our national interests ».
And as he remembered ABC Fernando Cortiñas, professor of the IE Business School, «the United Kingdom is a military power of the largest in Europe, and US has used it as a Trojan horse in Europe, to play their cards in the old continent“
The subject of what position will adopt Starmer finally remains open, with discordant voices. The foreign affairs spokesman of the Democratic Liberal Party, Calum Miller, said Trump «is not a reliable partner who is willing to work with allies. The United Kingdom should participate from A position of force, instead of going with your hand high before a president who seeks to take advantage of anyone who shows weakness «.
#unexpected #obstacle #overlooked #talking #purchase #Greenland #Donald #Trump