The case of the Madrid City Council firefighter opponent who proclaims himself transsexual is on the way to becoming a soap opera that will end up being prosecuted. As ABC has been able to verify, twenty-year-old David LY is a follower of the far-right group MGTOW (‘Men Going Their Own Way’), which is anti-feminist, misogynistic and framed in white and male supremacism, according to various essays by experts.
David, who did not obtain one of the first 126 positions in the first instance (those that correspond to the places in contention), appealed the qualifications. He had obtained a 6.08 in the theoretical part and an 8.32 in the practical part. When those first grades came out, which are average, she requested a review, arguing that she was a woman and that, as such, the female scale had to be applied to her in physical examinations. The marks are lower and the times longer in those cases. Only eight women passed the theory and two the practice.
David joined the latter on December 2, when the ‘corrected’ evaluations came out after his challenge and he received a 9.71 where before it was 8.32. His final average, therefore, went from 7.2 to 7.895; and, consequently, he climbed from position 201 to 101. That is, he achieved the position for life and left out Raúl Asenjo, 21 years old, who was the one who had reached 126.
It is this opponent who first raised the cry to the sky. What’s more, as this newspaper has learned, this Monday, at the request of his law firm, he filed an appeal before the Madrid City Councilalleging fraud of law. One of the elements that are used, precisely, is the defense that David LY of the MGTOW group makes in his own WhatsApp status. In fact, at least until the final grades were released, he had the emblem of this organization on his profile, displaying it.
Aspiring firefighters from Madrid, in the physical test of shovels
The group was created two decades ago on the Internet, with a website with a manifesto that reads: “The goal is to instill masculinity in men, femininity in women, and progress toward limited government. By instilling masculinity in men, we make men self-reliant, proud and independent. By instilling femininity in women, we make them attentive, supportive and responsible. As we move toward limited government, we are working for freedom and justice.” This has little or nothing to do with defense or transgender people themselves.
During these twenty years, MGTOW has been characterized by its harassment, especially on social networks, of the female population. Their rejection of women is such that the most radical even refuse to maintain relationships with them, practicing celibacy; in any case, with sex dolls or prostituted women.
The twin brother
Furthermore, as this newspaper already reported, David, a resident of an urbanization near Plaza Elíptica (the area where the academy where he prepared the exams is located, on Oporto Avenue), appeared with his twin brother, Iván. He signed up for the exams as a man, but David did so as a woman; and the court has already confirmed that it had made the gender change in the Civil Registry in accordance with the legislation approved in April 2023 at the request of the former Minister of Equality and now MEP Irene Montero. Therefore, in principle, the text protects him and it would have to be a judge who found the alleged fraud of law to be proven. She continues to appear under her male name and has neither undergone a hormonal process nor, much less, a reassignment of sexual organs.
In this sense, both Raúl and other opponents will present from today until December 18, when the medical examinations are held, a request that blood tests be used to measure everyone’s testosterone level. Including David, of course. In the letter, they argue that the “International Association of Athletics Federations established in 2019 a maximum limit of testosterone in the blood of 5 nanomoles per liter for certain female events.”
“However,” it continues, “as of March 31, 2023, this limit has been reduced to 2.5, requiring athletes to maintain this level for at least two years before competing.” It adds that the physical tests for firefighter are regulated by the Higher Sports Council and, therefore, requests that “in the event that there are female applicants with a level higher than 2.5 nanomoles per liter [David, por ejemplo]are declared unfit in the medical examination and, therefore, excluded from the selection process.
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