TO Marcel Proust (Auteuil, 1871-Paris, 1922) There were few things that would not be interested: passionate about literature (Racine, Molière, Balzac, Flaubert, Baudelaire, Ruskin) and music (Wagner, Beethoven, César Franck, Debussy), a great fond of opera and theater … and, of course, of course, of … art, which he discovered reading manuals and essays, in his visits to Louvre already private collections, on their trips to Venice… felt predilection for the Dutch painting of the XVII, the Italian of the Renaissance and the French of the 19th century. He liked Spanish art. He never stepped on our country, but El Greco, Velázquez, Goya, Sert, Picasso (whom he appreciated from his work in ‘Parade’), his friends Raimundo de Madrazo and his son Federico, ‘Cocó’, and Mariano Fortuny.
He Thyssen Museum He dedicates his first great exhibition of the year to the visual world of the French writer (a sensitive and exquisite look), through painting, very present in his great work ‘In search of lost time’published in seven volumes between 1913 and 1927, already deceased the author. A total reflection about art and its creation. Among its protagonists, a musician, vinteuil; a writer, Bergotte; A painter, Elstir; An actress, the berm …
‘Proust and the Arts’ It is the fourth exhibition curated in this museum by Fernando Checa. Reveals Guillermo Solanaartistic director of Thyssen, which Proust is «a secret passion»Of the former director of the Prado, and make an exhibition on him,” a great dream. ” And “a daring to enter a territory that is not usual for me,” adds Czech, which already bought Proust books: “There were years when it was not much appreciated, but today is the monster of French literature. It has been three years of preparation for this sample, but I had a great time. We have taken into account both the reader and the non -reader of Proust ».

Above, ‘Portrait of the Countess of Noailles’, by Ignacio Zuloaga. On these lines, on the left, ‘Diana and her nymphs’, of Vermeer. On the right, ‘Marcel Proust’s portrait’, by Jacques-Temile Blanche
But, despite being Czech a ‘Proustophile’“A maniac and vicious of Proust,” says Solana that is not a fetishist exhibition, with objects from the French writer. Of course, at the exit of the visit, In the store they sell Magdalenas (From a French pastry in the Antón Martín market), at 8 euros the bag of six units. Who said the memory is priceless? Until June 8they are exhibited 136 works (Paints, sculptures, works on paper, books and textiles) with important loans from the world’s main museums.
At the entrance of the exhibition, an illustrated poster with ‘Rue Saint-Honoré in the afternoon. Rain effect ‘, of Pissarro. A declaration of intent. It is the picture claimed by the Cassirer family In the United States courts, where they have litigate with the Spanish State for years. There is no chronological tour. Impossible, with Proust. His gaze, Solana warns, is “complex, with Cross referenceswith many strata and superimposed layers », such as Russian matrioskas.
The exhibition starts with ‘The pleasures and days’first book published by Proust, in 1896, and works by Watteau, Fantin-Latour, Chardin, Manet … of adolescent, he liked to approach the Louvrewhose Carré lounge is represented in a Castiglione box. Two works hang that Proust himself in the museum and that appear cited in that book: the ‘portrait of James Stuart’, of Van Dyckand ‘exit for a horse ride’, from Aelbert Jacobsz. Cuyp. In another wall they hang a photograph of Proust at age 15, taken for swimming, next to the famous portrait of the writer (his canonical image), painted at age 21 as a dandi by Jacques-Temile Blanche.
In the exhibition are not only their favorite artists. Also portraits of his friends, many of whom appear in the pages of ‘In search of lost time’. As his lover the Venezuelan composer Reynaldo Hahnportrayed by Lucie Lambert. And her sister Maria, portrayed by her husband, Raimundo de Madrazofriend of the writer. Proust admired the actress Sarah Bernhardt (The berm of ‘In search of lost time’), present in a monumental portrait of Georges Jules Victor Clairin, of Petit Palais Parisino.

Above, ‘The circle of Rue Royale’, by Tissot. On these lines, on the left, ‘Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt’, by Georges Jules Victor Clairin. On the right, ‘Self -portrait like the Apostle Saint Paul’, by Rembrandt
Vermeer was one of his favorite painters. His ‘Delft view’, he said, is “the most beautiful painting in the world.” I had no bad taste. That painting is not exhibited, but another of the teacher and the same museum, the Mauritshuis of The Hague: ‘Diana and its Nymphs’, which appears cited in the novel. The character Charles Swann writes a monograph from the Delft teacher who never ends. It also appears in the sample Laure Haymanpainted by Madrazo: a sculptor lover of Uncle Grandfather and the father of Proust. Inspired the Odette from the search for lost time ‘. And the Countess of Noaillesportrayed by Zuloaga. The poet maintained a correspondence with Proust.
Of the Count Robert de Montesquiou-Fézensaccharacter included in the novel, two portraits hang, painted by Lucien Doucet and Antonio de la Gandara. The Count was the model for his character the Baron of Charus, aristocrat, poet and homosexual. Both, interested in fashion, parties, politics and war. Ceded by the Orsay, a splendid painting, ‘The circle of the royal’, of Tissotcover of the catalog, in which the art critic appears, among others Charles Haasauthor of the author.
Proust’s novel develops in The Paris of the Third Republicera of urban development of the city, carried out by Baron Haussmann: the Bois de Boulogne, the Elíseos fields … His other great city was Venice. He traveled twice. One, with his mother. Admire Turner, Whistler, Carpaccio, Mariano Fortuny… of this, good friend, waterfuertes are shown with images of the serenísima, as well as some of her designs, such as the famous Delphos and a Copta -inspired robe that belonged to Proust. He had great interest and knowledge of female fashion. Of Turnera wonderful view of the Grand Canal, with Dogana and San Giorgio Maggiore, assigned by the National Gallery of Washington, is exhibited.
Taly toured the Gothic cathedrals of Franceguided by the writings of his admired John Ruskinwriter, painter and art critic. Proust traveled by car, driven by his driver, secretary and lover, Alfred Agostinelli. He died in an aviation accident in 1914. There are not the cathedrals of Raán, painted by Monet, but some splendid ‘water lies’ of the painter, ceded by the Beyeler Foundation. For Proust, Giverny was the quintessence of modern painting. The exhibition explores modernity (the impressionists, the Russian Ballets of Diaghilevworks by Cocteau, Kupka or Léger) and Proust’s passion along the Norman coast (represented in the novel by Balbec). In the character of ElstirProust summarized his interest in painting. Among the models in which it is inspired, Whistler, Moreau, Turner, Monet …
The end of the exhibition, like the Proust’s novel, ‘The time recovered’it is tragic: it addresses the implacable passage of time. The first movement of the ‘Sonata for Violin and Piano’ sounds César Franck. In a showcase, first editions of ‘In search of lost time’ and Printing tests with corrections of Proust’s handwriting of ‘On the path of Swann’, 1913, first volume of the novel. On the walls, a drawing and a photograph of the writer in his death bed: the first, of Paul-César Helleu; The second, by Emmanuel Sougez, although it was attributed to Man Ray. And two magnificent Rembrandt self -portraits: one of his time of maturity, of the Thyssen Museum, and another of his old age, such as Apostle St. Paul, of the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam. Proust writes: «The pain ends by killing … Little by little those terrible raised faces of the old Rembrandt, of the old man are forming Beethoven, of which everyone mocked. And the eyebags and wrinkles of the forehead would be nothing if there were no suffering of the heart ».
#Thyssen #art #loved #Proust