“When I ran out of work, there for 2004, Conan [su perro muerto] I was already with me. The situation was complex: I was on the floor and everyone kicked my head. Some seemed that they took shifts. The only ones who were always with me have been Conan and my sister, Karina, ”wrote Javier Milei In your autobiography, THE ROAD OF THE LIBERARYpublished in 2022, three years ago. The Argentine president and his sister, almighty general secretary of the Presidency, had a life before they are, public officials. In that past, Karina Milei took care of her brother how the friends, a caregiver, an accountant or a personal assistant. Now, both wrapped in the $ LIBRA case, defend themselves from media complaints, and accusations and Memes In social networks. In the meantime, there are two ongoing investigations, one in Argentina and one in the United States. The president, for now, decided to put – only him – the face to the blow. His sister, on the other hand, is the most armored woman of the Executive around the cryptocurrency scandal.
In the interview offered on Monday to the TN channel, the president insisted that the tweet in which he announced $ Libra left from his personal account in X. It is true: it is his user, in the Bio says “economist” and although he did not change the biography , raise the gray badge, the official verification granted by the platform to identify government organizations or public officials. Karina also has the gray badge. In defense of the president it has been said since his environment that he is not head of state “24/7” – reflection of deputy Marcela Pagano – and that “did not commit any illegality” – consciousness of deputy Lilia Lemoine. There are elements to think that more than a tweet it was an advertising action that ended in a macroestafa. It is still soon to determine responsibilities.
“The time of the common man arrived,” Milei said in his appearance in all televisions on December 10, the first anniversary of his management. To his right, Karina. Are they still their lives as they were before, ordinary citizens, on foot? Or the role that much of society has assigned to him and he evices them from that highly effective motto, that of the “common man”? Is answer to these questions?

Since he assumed as general secretary, Karina never held the office that by tradition corresponds to her position at the headquarters of the Casa Rosada. He preferred that of the brother, the presidential office. Until they threw Nicolás Posse, that Milei’s partner in Corporation America designated at start as a cabinet chief. The sister settled at the Cabinet Headquarters, located immediately next to the presidential office. There is no way to see Milei without her knowing. It is not a novelty. Javier Milei, a specialist in economic growth with and without money – at least, this is presented – needed his sister to organize his time and personal expenses before coming to power.
In 2017, Javier Milei was already a television character. Belligerent and popular could pronounce, in the same interview, on inflation and tantric sex. Who would like to have it in his program, had to agree with Karina. At that time, who today is president worked as an advisor at Corporation América, the Eduardo Eurnekian business group. Simultaneously, he exploded his lecturer side. The sister attended the requests of companies, universities and organizations of young people who wanted to listen to Javier. It was she who put the conditions: a lectern, because the brother does not like to have the microphone in his hand; A hall, because the brother wants to get to the room from the funds and among the people; The lights, so that they do not blind him, to highlight certain features – the male – of his face. And also put a price at his presence, it was the one that closed the treatment and contracts. In dollars. The rate climbed 10,000 depending on who asked for the appointment. Karina and Javier were a pair, a society. But there was a difference. He succumbed to the TV cameras. She avoided them.
In 2018, Nito Artaza – national senator between 2009 and 2015, a life dedicated to the show – produced Milei’s office, A play. Recommended by his brother to join the show, Karina made of the secretary of the psychoanalyst – Diego Sucalesca, today a country brand director, designation made by Karina – who attended a patient, played by Milei. The day after the Artaza function, he received the same message every time: “The numbers, Nito?” Artaza says that the sister fought for every penny. “As we sold the entries online and the twine was accredited in fifteen days, I advanced the percentage that corresponded to them in a check. If they were, suppose, $ 9,771.20 and I made the check with the rounded figure in seventy. Karina claimed what was missing, ”says the producer.

At the end of 2019, Sent Milei at a dinner with businessmen had a cost for the host. It happened that by admiration or political interest – or both – who today is president was a requested man. His economic preaching, at that point, mixed economic stocks and inflation with “cultural battle.” In Milei’s words, after “one hundred years of socialist decline”, of being victims of “impoverishing left -handed”, individuals began “to awaken.” The contacts started on WhatsApp and continued on the phone. Karina had an argument to collect: who wanted to see the economist approached with the idea of ”helping”, but then they were erased. So far, a contract between private. Influencers also charge for making presence in events.
In 2020, the year of Pandemia, Milei wrote Pandenomicshis tenth book. He dedicated it to his five dogs and “to the most wonderful human being, my sister Karina.” The lawyer and filmmaker Santiago Oría proposed to the brothers to make the book an audiovisual. Javier accepted the idea but put two conditions: that Lilia Lemoine, then Cosplayer And now national deputy, he will participate in the short film and that Karina appeared with two white wings. “Kari is my guardian angel and I want that symbol to be,” said Milei and Oría had to give in. Karina appears in the final, winged scenes. The harness made Lemoine.
Javier Milei had already decided to be a candidate for deputy when he premiered Pandenomicson December 20, 2020. Karina arrived early and stacked in a table the copies of the book written by her brother. He thought that if he put together a small stand in the entrance hall, those who go to see the projection could buy it. For the post function he had organized a dinner. It was something like a MEET AND GREET. It was for the diners, who had paid about 5,000 pesos for the plate and the chair, could interact with the candidate. There was a campaign ahead. Karina would seek financing wherever it was, books or meals. The premiere, in the middle of the restrictions by the COVID-19, went to a full room in the Grand View, a four-star hotel with a convention center in Buenos Aires.
On January 12, 2022, Karina Milei first raffled the diet that her brother earned as a deputy, that is, her first salary. Upload to the trailer he had hired and located in Playa Grande, Mar del Plata, announced to the winner, who took 205,596 pesos. Milei rifó 24 diets, the total of his time as a deputy. That a deputy put his salary in the rally was a news of international transcendence. In each interview in which they consulted who the idea had been, Milei celebrated the sister: “Kari idea.” The agitator ‘Alvise’ Pérez would imitate him in Spain after being elected Eurodiput.
But … what did Milei live if since he assumed the status of deputy, he raffled his salary? How did you pay the rent in the private neighborhood Claro Valle? An unknown.

By 2023, the year of the presidential campaign and in which it is estimated that the rate to see Milei started at $ 3,000, Karina delegated tasks. In July of that year, an Argentine Airport Manager 2000 was pointed out as “El Collector” of the brothers. It was Nicolás Posse, who was in charge of the airports of the Patagonia of the concessionaire of the businessman Eurnekian, the one for whom Milei worked. Posse requested a license without salary enjoyment in the company since for the company his collaboration in the campaign represents “a conflict of interest”. Who pointed it as the Brothers’s cashier was a businessman whose name never transcended and coincided with a stir of complaints for the alleged sale of candidacies in the lists of freedom advances, Milei’s party. The prosecutor with electoral competence, Ramiro González, acted ex officio. The cause was filed a few months later due to lack of evidence. Milei spent the three rounds of voting and won the presidency.
As soon as he arrived at the position, Milei took his sister an oath, who assumed as general secretary. It would be the first woman – and the first person without political biography or any experience in the State – to occupy that position. Since Karina took command, the General Secretariat of Presidency does not work in the way she always worked. He stopped making, for example, reports on states and drafts of official speeches. The main task of the General Secretariat during the first year of management was to build the La Libertad Avanza party, which was recognized by the electoral justice in September. For that, Karina appointed Eduardo “Lule” Menem – four decades as an advisor to the Senate – Undersecretary of Institutional Management. But Lule’s “institutional management” was, since the designation, being Karina’s executing arm to achieve the nationalization of freedom advances as a party and, according to some journalistic notes, distribute the boxes of the Social Institute for Pensions and the Social Security between provincial referents of the party.
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