The Association of Spanish Diplomats (ADE) on Tuesday has sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albaresin which they ask you to take into account the criteria of “transparency, equal opportunities, merit and capacity” when making … Your appointments. After the latest assigned destinations and termination carried out by the head of Spanish diplomacy, this association – presided by Alberto Virella Gomes and? represents the large majority Of the more than 5,000 diplomatic officials – he wanted to conve The publication and selection of candidates process «It must be predictable and transparent, with compliance with predetermined deadlines, and that must be considered, according to objective and non -arbitrary criteriathe requests of the candidates, prioritizing those who present a more appropriate profile for each of the vacancies ».
In the letter, to which ABC has had access, in the opinion of the members of the ADE “the selection process that has been applied in recent years is weighed by the absence of an updated regulation that regulates it in detail.” In this sense, diplomats refresh the minister who do not have “precise norms in force on classification of the categories of diplomatic missions, Forestry duration of position performanceconcrete merits to be evaluated for each of them, relief that is given to the previous performance of management positions in the Ministry, procedure for consultation and participation of the main responsible of the Ministry in the process of selecting candidates, elaboration of candidates, or the realization of interviews for their selection, among other aspects ».
The absence, therefore, of a regulation according to the new times Within the diplomatic career, it favors that Albares reserves positions arbitrarily in any new process that opens in the ministry, in addition to executing cessations, even when the ambassadors have not turned four years at their destination, such as the one that He met Juan González-Barba, the head of Mission in Croatia last week.
Thus, the Ade has again claimed this regulation – which do have other foreign services, such as the European Foreign Action Service – while the Minister has affected Minister the Minister Lack of professional progression That, today, diplomats have within the ministry. They say that they value “much” that the current bill of the public function of the State Administration “intends to encourage internal talent and guarantee the professional career of employees and employees as a basic pillar of an authentic human resources policy.” In this sense, “In tune with the Constitution”the diplomats remind Albares that “according to this bill, one of the individual rights of public employee personnel is the progression in the professional career and also internal promotion, according to the principles of equality, merit and capacity”: “regulates a Fundamental right for officials when it establishes that the professional career includes an orderly set of promotion opportunities and expectations for professional progress that are offered to public employees and employees based on their experience, performance and qualification ».
For all these reasons, they have transmitted to Albares, as responsible, which is the proposals for appointments referred to They are fully respected “in their professional field,” because they are basic for the existence of a good public administration governed professionally and with adequate resources to provide the best service to Spanish society. “
Positions that carry responsibility
In the letter, diplomats contribute several examples to the minister to remind him of the importance of making appointments with “objective and non -arbitrary criteria.” In the career of a diplomatic official “it has a very relevant professional promotion meaning to be appointed, for example, deputy director general in the Ministry.” These appointments, according to the minister, “should be carried out after several years of good professional service and guide themselves for the principles of transparency, equal opportunities, merit and capacity”, being “positions that lead to a very significant responsibility and workload , an effort of specialization and demanding availability ». They consider that these appointments “should be for the accumulated experience and after an objective assessment of the work done, suitable candidates to continue their career serving the State from the responsibility of Ambassador.” “Unfortunately, for a large number of them, this is not the case after year,” they recognize. «The same can be said of other positions, also of high level of demand and effectively performed in increasingly precarious conditions. In these cases, the lack of professional progression implies a remarkable incoherence with the declared purpose of encouraging the professional career of the officials, ”they say.
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