Admit it: after spending half an hour writing down one by one all the products you are missing at home, half the time you arrive at the supermarket without a shopping list. Once again, the technology comes to your rescue. And you don’t even need to download an application or do anything too difficult, because if you have WhatsAppyou now have a virtual notepad. Now we explain why.
Talk to yourself on WhatsApp
So you now have a virtual notepad where you can write important things and always carry them with you. It’s very simple: add yourself to your contact booksearch for your name among the chats of WhatsApp and… that’s it! You have a space that only you can see where you can write everything you want.
Not only that: you can also use the chat of a person who blocked you as a notepad for your reminders and pending errands. For example, the shopping list for this Christmas meals, something that, by the way, you can ask ChatGPT to help you prepare.
We know that there are thousands of apps to create lists, but this is a very comfortable option that you always have nearby. Plus, you already have the habit of checking WhatsApp every five minutes… so you put it to productive use.

And if you still want to have it closer at hand, put it in your favorites
As you already know, for some time now WhatsApp has allowed up to three posts to be posted at the top of your conversations list. chatsindividual or cluster. If you like this trick of using yourself – or that ex-boyfriend who blocked you – as a notepad to write down important things, you can set that conversation among the first three and always have it very close at hand.
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