Last Tuesday, February 4, the Seville City Council announced the presentation of the Seville10 racing circuit. As referred to by the Municipal Sports Institute of the City (IMD) through its webthe test will have the sponsorship of Divina Insurance.
The races will take place since the month From March to October of 2025, assuming the extension of the Hispanic sports days. In relation to this, José Luis Sanzmayor of the city, has stated that «Sevilla is positioned as a reference of a healthy lifestyle and sports practicebeating Registration records in each organized sporting event ».
Dates and registration deadlines
As of this Tuesday, February 4they meet Open inscriptions to the Divine Circuit Insurance of Carreras Sevilla10. Those interested can be part of the race, registering in the web of the IMD or through Mobile application ‘Sevilla’.
Registration will remain open Until Thursday, March 6.
Carrera Nervión San Pablo – El Corte Inglés: March 9
Mª Luisa Park Carrera – Coca -Cola Carrera: March 23
Tamarguillo Park Carrera: April 6
Triana Carrera – Torre Sevilla: June 1
Old Casco Carrera – CaixaBank: October 19
Destined for everything type of ages and competitive levelthe tests are divided into 3 modalitiesdepending on the distance to travel. That is: races of 10 kilometersRaces of 5 kilometers and races in School age. Likewise, each category will have different ranges, depending on the needs of the corridor.
People with wheelchair disabilities – born in 2009 and previous
People with disabilities in ‘Handbike’ – born in 2009 and previous
– Intellectual, physical, mental and sensory disability – born in 2009 and previous
– Youth – Born between 2008 and 2009
– Júnior – Born between 2007 and 2006
– Promise – Born between 2003 and 2005
– Senior – born between 1990 and 2002
– Veterans A – Born between 1985 and 1989
– Veterans B – Born between 1980 and 1984
– Veterans C – Born between 1975 and 1979
– Veterans D – Born between 1970 and 1974
– Veterans e – Born between 1965 and 1969
– Veterans F – Born in 1964 and previous
The brands performed in the 10 -kilometer tests will be approved by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (REFA). This circuit will also be attended by judges of the Andalusian Federation of Athletismeither and a timing system approved by the Federation in charge, among others.
5 races kilometers and those of participants in School agefor its part, they will be of character Non -competitive and not scoring. They will form runners born in 2010 or later.
Prebenjamín – Born between 2018 and 2021 (200 meters)
Benjamín – Born in 2016 – 2017 (1 kilometer)
Alevín – Born in 2014 – 2015 (1.5 kilometers)
Infant – born in 2012 – 2013 (2 kilometers)
Cadet – Born in 2010 – 2011 (3 kilometers)
The distance from the school -age circuit will vary, depending on the age of its members. Thus, the category Prebenjamin It will be from 200 meters; the Benjaminof 1 kilometereither; the Fryof 1.5 kilometers; the Infantof 2 kilometers and the Cadetof 3 kilometers.
Regarding the Awards of the races, the IMB communicates through its web that, in relation to the tests of 10 kilometersthe first three classified of each category they will obtain a trophy. In addition, the first three classified of the category Absolutethey will receive a sporting material.
In the tests in School agemeanwhile, first three classified of each category they will obtain a trophy. The tests of 5 kilometers They will not generate the right to any awards.
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