Super Mario Bros. – The Movie is a beautiful animated film, which tells us about a new beginning for the Italian plumber and his brother Luigi in the Mushroom Kingdom. The sequel – already officially confirmed – will however have to try to aim even higher and in a certain sense, based on what an actor said, it seems that this will be the case.
The source is Keegan-Michael Key – Toad’s voice actor in the English version of the film – who spoke to the Men’s Journal magazine.
The words of the voice actor of Super Mario Bros. – The Movie
“One thing I can say about the second film is that it’s a little bit broader in scope and that the location where it takes place has a very intriguing lore“said the actor. “There will be some really cool Easter eggs and so far it’s been very exciting.”
Keegan-Michael Key adds that new characters will also join the characters already showcased in the first film. He continued, “I feel like what they did creatively was expand the universe where these characters live and we will meet new people. We’ll meet some new characters who are fan favorites and some who I think are really, really important, but the way the story is shaping up right now, these characters are going to be very intriguing.”
Let’s remember that the sequel to Super Mario Bros. – The Movie will be available in April 2026provided there are no delays of course. We also point out that Super Mario Bros. Wonder is heavily discounted on Amazon Italy.
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