Life expectancy is increasingly high. The society advances unferentable towards a world in which people will reach one hundred years without problems, and that requires certain changes. Experts like Andrew Scott say that people are more concerned with aging than the fact of living a long time. Numerous investigations try to know the reasons why the eighties are the new sixties.
Recently a Study conducted by Frank Martelaphilosopher and psychology researcher at the Aalto University (Finland), in which they tried to look for some of those reasons why life expectancy is growing and if this It has some relationship with people’s vital purposes. Although this aspect is marked by many other factors such as health, alcohol or tobacco consumption, age, sex and even the country of origin, it was shown that there was a common characteristic in many people.
The study
To carry out this research, the data of close to 6,000 adults participating in a study Medium age doctor in the United States between 1994 and 1996. People contributed data on their state of health, vital satisfaction, social relations and employment situation, in addition to other relevant information such as weight, disease and alcohol and tobacco consumption.
The participants had to affirm if they agreed or disagree with statements such as “sometimes I feel that I have already done everything I had to do in life” or “some people wander aimlessly for life, but I am not one of them.” Marsla says that “the purpose in life remained significant In all our analysis, while vital satisfaction does not. This suggests that The purpose is the most reliable predictor of longevity. “
The result
The study showed that, without taking into account other factors, the level of vital satisfaction of the people who participated in the investigation was not directly related to their longevity. However, those who affirmed have a firm life purpose And strong, they were more likely to significantly increase life expectancy and live more than those who do not have it.
According to Marsla, this means that the existence of a vital purpose could be more relevant to the longevity than satisfaction with life. “A life with purpose can energize us and give hope even in those moments when circumstances leave us dissatisfied, “he says. Therefore, the expert suggests giving importance to general health and also emotional to extend our life some more.
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