We all want the concordand so No means the obligation for everyone let’s think alike.
But when he conflict of ideaswe convert it into conflict of peoplethere are very few possibilities of achieving the desired concord.
We forget that by qualifying – or disqualifying – the person every problem becomes personal, the basic reason is that a person cannot change themselves, but they can change their ideas.
The fight of ideas is totally valid in any controversy, from there it is easier to settle differences than when we turn that fight into a personal one by entering the realm of personalities.
The struggle between people dates back to the origin of our species, while the struggle of ideas was born parallel to civilization.
The conflict between people was typical of the savage era, today it is only the conflict between ideas, and that is typical of civilization, of the culture of tolerance,
Conflict between people inhibits the possibilities of harmony and this, harmony, will never be a product of magic, it will be a product of the effort and good will of each and every one of those involved.
For a dignified and united Mexico, let us make a pact to decide to bring harmony to this homeland of ours.
Thank you.
Los Mochis, Sin. as of June 3, 2024.
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