The forecasts of rains in good part of the Valencian Community have been fulfilled this Wednesday With the concern in the municipalities that suffered the destruction of the Dana at the end of October, where the ravines bring water again. At the moment we must not regret great damages of road cuts and some landslides, although the cancellations of activities and the concern for the weather alert has led to the fact that The measures are also prolonged tomorrow Thursday.
Thus, the Generalitat has announced that the primary care and hospitals health centers will maintain the suspension of scheduled medical appointments tomorrow, with the exception of oncological, dialysis and surgeries with admission, provided that the displacement is possible. From emergencies it is still recommended to avoid displacements.
The decision includes primary care centers, specialties and hospitals centers the provinces of Castellón and Valencia, and the health departments of Denia and Alcoy. This cancellation was already in force since Tuesday afternoon and extends one more day from the initially announced.
The same happens in LThe schools from most municipalities in Valencia and Castellónthat they had annulled their classes in some cases Tuesday and Wednesday before the alert of heavy rains and the panic to which the floods are repeated.
Domino effect in schools
Thus, the Valencia City Council He has decided that tomorrow Thursday The educational centers of the city, day, occupational and youth centers will continue closed; closed parks and cemeteries municipal, suspended extraordinary markets and CANCELED THE FALLERA ACTIVITIESamong them the ‘mascletà’.
A decision that many other municipalities have also made of the province of Valencia, and Manises and Loriguillaas in Castellón, such as those of Almassora, Burriana and Moncofa. It is foreseeable that this decision will be extended in the next few hours to many other benefits, since today they have not opened their doors more than 1,600 educational centers throughout the Valencian Community.
From the Valencia City Council, they have specified that taking into account that the regional administration “maintains the level of emergency 0 and the orange alert for Thursday”, it has been decided that in the Valencian capital the school and educational activities continue for that day, as well as the activities in the outdoor and of a social nature, that of the day centers, the occupational and the youth.
The surveillance of ravines throughout the territory is also intensified. In the case of the northern and southern districts of Valencia, as well as the channel of the Turia River, the City Council ensures that it has deployed troops from the Local Police and firefighters. In general, citizens are not recommended not to approach or circulate near the ravines and also avoid unnecessary displacements.
The forecasts
For its part, the Autonomous Emergency and Interior Secretary, Irene Rodríguez, explained this Wednesday morning that the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation has moved that “they do not foresee any significant increase in flow” at the moment, although it has stressed that due to the accumulation of rainfall “it is very important to stay on constant alert”, so they have been deployed on the ground in different areas.
The regional secretary has confirmed that “the night has been very quiet” and that “none of the services has reported any incidence related to the rains.” Therefore, this morning’s meeting has focused on the forecasts of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet) and the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ).
Night rainfall has not been intense in quantity but they have had “much persistence” in the area of Vall d’Aiora and Canal de Navarrés. At the moment there are no incidents in the basic services of electricity, water and communications.
The rains are going to be persistent and “they are going to extend through the whole of the province of Valencia and Castellón, we already know that at an orange level that we have decreed, especially not by intensity but by accumulation.” “During the day a lot of water will accumulate, they commented on an environment of 150 liters in 12 hours, it is what they calculated that it could occur,” he said.
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