The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASAL) have published the new revised and updated edition of the ‘Pan -Hispanic dictionary of doubts’ (DPD), a fundamental tool in resolving normative issues that affect grammar, spelling or the Spanish lexicon that is already available on paper, edited by Taurus, belonging to Penguin Random House Editorial Group.
The ‘Pan -Hispanic dictionary of doubts’ is a consultation work composed of more than 7,000 entries, with phonographic information (pronunciation, accentuation, score, spellings, etc.), morphological (plural, female, conjugation, etc.), syntactic (Construction and regime, concordance, leis, dequeism, etc.) or Lexicosemántic problems (lexical impression, censurable semantic traces, neologisms or foreigners).
Its purpose is not only to clarify the established standard, but also guide on what is not fixed by formulating proposals guided by the ideal of linguistic unit. In order to solve doubts of a very different nature, the DPD combines two types of articles: the themes, which deal with general issues (graphic accentuation, the use of capital letters, concordance, etc.), and non -thematic ones, which refer to to concrete words that raise some kind of doubt about their employment.
In November 2005, the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language published the first edition of the ‘Pan -Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts’. Thus, the objective of developing an easy -to -handling text for the consultant where, with an affordable language for non -specialists, those issues that usually raise difficulties to those who are expressed in Spanish were resolved.
The update of the DPD has allowed adapting – providing in fundamental works published by the RAE and La Asale – its recommendations to the current doctrine, as well as the changes observed in the linguistic habits of the Spanish speakers in these last two decades. According to this, the second edition of the ‘Pan -Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts’ also offers recommendations on the evolutionary processes that Spanish is experiencing in these moments of linguistic effervescence, especially in regard to the adoption of neologisms and foreigners.
370 new entries have been added to this edition, of which 362 are non -thematic articles, mostly referred to neologisms and foreigners incorporated into use in recent years, and 8 are thematic articles, among which those dedicated to issues such as issues such as The gerund, prefixes and awards. In addition, amendments and additions have been included to almost one in two non -thematic items present in the first edition and all themed articles, as well as the Appendices, among other modifications, have been reviewed and updated.
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