Between banks and defense companies, the European listed for the construction and management of infrastructure is made a hole among the most bullish in the stock market in 2025. The approval by the German Parliament of a 500,000 million euros plan to improve infrastructure and the national armament sector gave an extra impulse to companies such as ACS, actua or FCC among others. In fact, in March the European construction companies are at the head of the increases within the Stoxx 600 index. The presentation of the latest results supports part of the rise, although the incentive of the increase in infrastructure investment in Germany also raises the estimates of expected benefits by 2025 in three of the Spanish values.
The six large construction companies and infrastructure concessionaires of the Spanish Stock Exchange rise, on average, 15% in the year. And much of this advance comes from its March evolution. The market consensus that includes Factset elevates the expected benefit in 2025 in Actiona, ACS and Ferrovial with respect to what was expected at the beginning of the year. It influences the closure of last year that satisfies investors and experts, but also weighs the exhibition of these companies to markets such as German and the rest of Europe which will be infected by this measure that will improve investment in the sector for almost a decade. “The construction sector can be the maximum beneficiary in the coming years both directly and indirectly,” explains the analyst of BloombergWoener Tobias.
Thus, the gross exploitation benefit (EBITDA) of ACCIONA by 2025 will be 2,675 million euros, according to experts. It is 1.5% higher than the announcement of the German disbursement on March 4. Even sothe market still believes that the company’s Ebitda will be by Under the rank that shuffles the company for 2025ranging from 2,700 to 3,000 million euros (with surplus value).
In the case of Ferrovial the increase is 1.2% (up to 1,522 million euros). Although to date the analysis firms put more in value the exposure of the company to the North American market and the concessions it manages in countries such as Canada. Recently, Deutsche Bank began coverage in the company, in which he advises to buy. “The Ferrovial highways They benefit from a strong price fixing power, “they said from the investment bank.
ACS is the third to see a support of analysts in recent weeks. The consensus of experts expects its ebidta for 2025 to be 0.5% higher than the initially planned (the market that exceeds 3,000 million). However, this last company Another ace is saved in the sleeve.
The company that Capitanea Florentino Pérez has 75% of the shares of Hochtief, a German construction company. And this is in the Incentive focus on infrastructure of the Bundestag. “The German construction company is one of the companies that will probably benefit from the new fund approved in the country that will involve a disbursement over the next ten years,” says Bankinter analyst, Juan Tuesta.
On the contrary, the projected benefit for this year in FCC, Sacyr and Ohla It is inferior to the one planned at the beginning of 2025. Although several of these companies have business in the United States (to a greater or lesser extent) such as the three that do see an upward review of their Ebitda, the truth is that the consensus of analysis signatures is more pessimistic for this year for the current geopolitical climate with tariff wars.
In parallel to the analysts’ support, investors echoed the sector that rises the most in the year within Stoxx 600. Except in the case of Ohla, which was penalized this Wednesday by the struggle of shareholders derived from the litigation in Kuwait, since Germany announced its intention to modify its expense roof (already ratified) at the beginning of March, the market was overturned in values as the market Spanish construction and concessionaires. Action is the one that has been the most, 9.6%, followed by ACS that touches 7%.
#quoted #Spanish #construction #rise #average #improvement #estimates