The PSC once again gives in to the pressure of its nationalist partners and denies the associations in defense of bilingualism the opportunity to expose in Parliament the situation of “marginalization” of Spanish in Catalan public schools. On the other hand, the party of … Salvador Illa gives the green light to Plataforma per la Llengua, “the Catalan NGO that spies on students in the playground and points out businesses and restaurants for not using the regional language” to defend in the Catalan Chamber itself the need to reinforce the presence of Catalan inside and outside the classrooms.
The veto of the defenders of bilingualism occurs a month after the Minister of Education, Esther Niubó, received members of the department at the department headquarters Assembly for a Bilingual School (AEB) in a meeting that lasted nearly three hours. «This demonstrates the double standards of the PSC. “He receives us on December 12 and listens to us kindly, but, nevertheless, he does not accept a month later that we present our arguments publicly in Parliament,” the president of the AEB stated in statements to ABC, Ana Losada.
As a result of this meeting, ERC presented a parliamentary question to the counselor asking her for explanations about the meeting. In the question, presented on January 10, five days before the veto of the AEB, and consulted by ABC, the Republicans ask Niubó “what are the reasons that have led her to meet with entities that have publicly expressed their opposition?” to the immersion model of the Catalan school?”, and “what guarantees does the Government offer that these meetings will not negatively affect the protection and application of linguistic immersion as a fundamental pillar of teaching and social cohesion in Catalonia?”.
«It is curious that just five days before the veto of the AEB with the complicity of the socialists, Esquerra directly pressured the counselor asking them for explanations for the meeting. “It is clear that it is an act of pressure,” he says in statements to ABC. Jose Domingopresident of Impulso Ciudadano (IC).
On January 15, the nationalist parties (ERC, Junts, Comuns and CUP) in the Parliament, with the abstention of PSCthey refused the appearance, at the request of the PP Catalan, of the IC and AEB associations in the Language Policy Commission. “When you don’t know how to refute the arguments, the messenger is silenced,” Impulso Ciudadano pointed out on social networks on the day of the vote. The veto of the defenders of Spanish takes on dimension, according to the AEB, if we take into account that just three months before, on November 20, 2024, the appearance was approved unanimously and with the support of the Catalan socialists. in the Autonomous Chamber of the Language Platformthe Catalan NGO, accused of “spying” on students in the playground to find out what language they speak and that points out merchants, restaurateurs and health workers who do not use the regional language.
«The PSC has once again demonstrated its double standards. While he supports Platform for Language, known for imposing Catalan and discriminating against Spanish, to appear in Parliament, he abstains when defenders of bilingualism and linguistic equality ask to do the same. “This behavior is not from a party that claims to want to unite, but from one that acts at the service of separatism,” the PP deputy, spokesman for the Health and Control Commission of the CMMA, and president of the Commission, said in statements to ABC. of Youth Policies, Hugo Manchón.
«They talk about unity and coexistence, but their actions reveal them: they promote a Linguistic Policy Department whose objective is to impose Catalan and pursue the use of Spanish. Their complicity with those who defend linguistic exclusion is unacceptable. The PSC has become a trilero match, that says one thing but does another. Catalonia needs parties that defend linguistic freedom without fissures, as the Popular Party does, not formations that, with their abstention and silence, endorse the policies of discrimination that have done so much damage to coexistence in our land,” he denounces. Spot.
“Free expression in Parliament of any entity or association is essential and must always be defended,” he says. Jose Domingopresident of Impulso Ciudadano, and criticizes “the attitude of certain groups that refuse to listen to groups and associations that do not support them.”
Domingo accuses PSC to follow the example of CKD and “not allowing diversity of opinions within the Catalan Chamber.” «When the National Plan for Language was presented, promoted by the current Minister of Linguistic Policy, Francesc Xavier Vila, then Secretary General of Linguistic Policy, from IC we already presented a series of allegations that demanded its withdrawal but they were rejected because, as we were told, they did not fit into the Plan,” Domingo recalls. According to him, after Impulso’s complaint, the allegations were incorporated. “It is clear that neither ERC nor the PSC like to give a voice to those who do not have the same opinion as them,” he concludes.
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