The Provincial Prosecutor of Valencia has opened research proceedings against Daniel Esteveowner of the company Desokupa, for a alleged crime of hate.
The Action against Hate (ACO) platform filed the complaint against Esteve “for messages released in the social network X in which he launched public threats against migrants and associated immigration with crime, based on bulos and even manufacturing false information. “
ACO members expose that “the only objective” of this type of messages, which Esteve shares on their social networks, is “incite hostility and violence towards migrants and the most vulnerable groups. “
The complaint was filed on February 9, after the platform began a campaign against the owner of Desokupa. ACO got more than 20,000 signatures that support accuse the “modus operandi consisting of pointing out, defame and threaten the group of migrants through different strategies. “
“We see insults of the type ‘are garbage’, threats such as’ you are going to shit ‘or defamations through which Esteve points to migrants as a whole as potential authors of all kinds of crimes, among which the outraged right includes robberies, rapes or stabbing.’Criminals‘, shouts in one of those videos the denounced, who presumes on his social networks of a photo with the businessman [Víctor de] Aldama, accused of defrauding 182 million euros according to the UCO, “shares the complainant association.
Daniel Esteve created Desokupa “for the growing problem of illegal squatting in Spain“.” Operating within the margins of the law and in close collaboration with the competent authorities, I saw the opportunity to offer an agile and effective solution for a problem that, ultimately, affects us all, “he adds on his website.
#Prosecutors #Office #opens #proceedings #Daniel #Esteve #owner #Desokupa #alleged #crime #hate