The president of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Isabel Perelló, criticized this Thursday that “the attribution of hidden intentions to judges who make decisions that are inconvenient to certain interests” are “totally out of place”; in allusion to the comments of members of Pedro Sánchez’s Government – and even the president himself -, censuring the decisions of some magistrates. This was stated during his speech, at the ceremony of handing over offices to the new judges in Barcelona, which was attended, in addition to the King, by the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, and the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños.
A speech in which Perelló has stressed that the togados, as stated in the Constitution, «They are independent, immovable, responsible and [están] subject only to the rule of law. Reason why remembered: «This is the cornerstone on which the sense of justice is based in a State of Law, in which separation of powers is essential». Along the same lines, the president of the CGPJ has asked to respect “the times and reasons of the judges” and has recalled, as Don Felipe has also done, that, without trust in the institutions “there cannot be peaceful and democratic coexistence between different”.
«Unfortunately, we live in times in which, whether due to ignorance or for other reasons, when it comes to the Judiciary totally unfounded criticism is leveled at the exercise of the jurisdictional function by judges and magistrates», said Perelló, in whose opinion «the gratuitous reproaches and censures that are intended to weaken judicial independence are not acceptable.» Along the same lines, he has stated that The separation of powers requires that officials be cautious when publicly expressing their opinions.but that “social actors must also respect the times and reasons of judges when they act in the exercise of the function constitutionally entrusted to them.”
For what is “essential” that they can carry out their work “without any interference, taking into account only the Constitution, the law and legal norms, without direct or indirect pressure from any public or private power“, he added, to then emphasize that “only those States in which the division of powers is guaranteed are States of Law.”
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