The Popular Party requests the European Commission That is pronounced on the new agreement reached between the Government and Junts. This time, the popular lead to Europe the decree announced last week to reform the Foreigners Law that converts the … Distributes of immigrant minors by all autonomous communities in a structural extent, which is not punctual.
This agreement, announced when the Government had already tied the support of Junts, determines that any autonomous community that exceeds its ordinary immigrant childhood reception capacity can be declared in immigration contingency situation and request to refer minors to the rest of the territories. An emergency processed measure to give way as soon as possible to the more than 4,000 minors overcrowded in the Canary Islands for more than a year. This cast will be carried out according to criteria agreed with those of Carles Puigdemont that have caused a stir between the barons of the PP.
The popular have brought this measure to the Commission because they consider that it does not correspond to the standards of solidarity and proportionality between territories that govern European immigration policies. This was expressed by the MEP Dolors Montserrat In a parliamentary question pointing out that the distribution criteria are “rigged” and have been arbitrarily set to favor Catalonia, governed by the Socialist Party, while other communities with similar characteristics, chaired by the Popular Party, will make a greater effort.
In his question, the MEP refers to the figures they announced in together shortly after knowing the agreement for the Distribution of minors. In a press release the Neoconvergentes flaunted the pact sealed with the Executive by which Catalonia will host about thirty children in front of the seven hundred who must host the Community of Madrid.
From the government they do not give nature letter to these figures announced by Junts, but according to some projections Made by the Ministry of Youth and Childhood, advanced by the ‘’, the final table could resemble that and end up asking the communities of the Popular Party a greater effort.
Something that, according to popular euros, clashes frontally against article 80 of European Union operation treaty that advocates the “balance between regions in immigration management.” Therefore, they ask the commission to indicate what measures will adopt to ensure that the relocation of immigrant childhood in Spain is carried out through objective criteria, regions capacity and respect for the best interests of the child.
In that line, Montserrat has denounced before the European Parliament that the figures agreed with Junts show “clearly that this cast made with dyes racist and xenophobes It is based on spurious political criteria ».
For its part, the Euro -Ignacio Zoid Law proposition Registered by PSOE-JUNTS for the Delegation of State Immigration Competencies in the Generalitat, they are contrary to the Asylum and Migration Pact approved by the Member States and that the Government aspires to implement before in Spain for its condition as southern border.
In addition to the agreement itself, Zoido denounced the “lack of resources” that the Executive will dispose of the Autonomous Communities, evidencing, in his opinion, the Little planning which has been carried out to close this agreement and promote the correct inclusion of minors who will be transferred.
#leads #European #Commission #agreement #Junts #distribution #immigrants