The Popular Party summons today in Santander to its territorial power to claim the “culture in freedom”, far “of dogmatism and the ideological appropriation that the left has sought on it.” The eleven counselors of the branch of the communities governing the PP will make strength … together with the national spokesman of the party and vice -secretary of Culture, Borja Sémperto sign a document for “artistic creation in all its manifestations” and in favor of the “free development of the personality of individuals.” This sector meeting is held before the interparliamentary that will bring together the entire dome of the PP in Seville.
“Culture is not imposed: it is promoted,” defends the PP in the manifesto, which has had ABC access. And in this work local institutions are key. Of the 1,522 museum institutions present in Spain, 50.5 percent are of local ownership and only 10.9 percent state ownership. The PP governs in more than 3,000 municipalities – more than 40 percent of the total – and in almost 30 provincial councils. Popular communities and cities contributed in 2022, respectively, 0.11 and 0.32 percent to GDP in culture -related liquidations.
“The PP’s commitment to culture, against myth, is accreditable,” presumes conservative formation. “The PP was the first political force promoted, at the national level, the recognition of culture as a basic and essential good.” The party tries to leave behind the doubts of the electoral campaign of 2024, when the culture portfolio in some communities and municipalities under accusations of censorship gave Vox. The left also criticized a certain ambivalence of Feijóo about the permanence of the Ministry of Culture, although then the PSOE used it as a currency to add to continue in the Moncloa.
In the alternative government plan that the PP wants to propose while the current legislature endures, culture will occupy a preeminent place. And “in front of cultural leadership” of which accuses Urtasun, the PP is committed to “an ecosystem where the creator is the protagonist and not a hostage of partisan interests.” “Culture in no case can be a territory of trenches and exclusion, of identity polarization, much less being groped as a synonym for propaganda.” After cases like that of the actress Karla Sofía Gascónrepudiated by the minister himself, the PP declares “enemy of cancellation culture.”
“Far from dogmatism and the ideological appropriation that the left has sought on it,” especially since adding it tries to use it as a combat tool from the Plaza del Rey, the culture “is the pillar that supports the identity of Spain and the engine that unites generations and territories.” In that sense, the PP defends that in culture management it should be valued that it is “a crucial tool to promote social cohesion, creativity and innovation.” Popular councils undertake to “redouble efforts to continue coordinating effective cultural management.”
Faced with dogmatism, management, says the party leading Feijóo. «In the 21st century, culture is not imposed: it is promoted. It is not directed: it is allowed to be. And it is not favored with ideological bias: it supports with equity and vision of the future ». The motto used for the manifesto – ‘by a culture in freedom’ – goes in line with the speech of the party against the veto of Urtasun to the bullfighting. In this case, another coordinated action of the PP communities with the Senate – with a popular majority – and the Toro de Lidia Foundation has allowed to promote a parallel prize.
After seven years of socialist government – and five different ministers -, “the most immediate horizon in the sector is dominated by uncertainty, fear and unpredictability,” says the PP. “Neither PSOE nor Add have addressed the issues that packed the cultural industry and that cover the entire cultural value chain: creation, production, distribution, consumption and regulation.” The popular ones undertake to favor a legislative framework “that facilitates cultural production and reduces the bureaucratic obstacles that creators support” in a sector that in 2024 used 771,000 Spaniards, 3.6 percent of total employment.
The PP wants to develop a cultural policy so that Spain “has a clear model” for its agents, and will prioritize the development and expansion of the Spanish language, with a clear commitment to Latin America. In a context in which more than half of the artists declare to win less than 1,500 euros per month from their cultural activity, the PP recalls the need to finish approveing the artist’s statute. It will also promote an “ethical artificial intelligence”, which respects the rights of cultural agents. In the year that Barcelona hosts the Mondiacult Summit, the PP recalls that «there is no better ethical tool than a Spanish, creative, diverse, admired and recognizable culture.
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