Monday, September 23, 2024, 08:17
The Popular Party would win the elections and could achieve an absolute majority if regional elections were held at this time, according to the results of the survey carried out by Sigma Dos for La 7, which highlights that the party led by Fernando López Miras would win comfortably, achieving between 22 and 23 seats (which mark the absolute), with a higher result (46.8%) than that achieved in the European elections on June 9, and with a significant improvement compared to the results of the regional elections in May (21 seats) and the general elections in July 2023. The data from this survey, which were released this Monday in the new news programme of the regional public television channel, leave the PSOE with the same number of deputies as in May 2023, reduce those of Podemos and Vox, and predict the entry into parliament for the first time of the new party Se acaba la fiesta, led by the agitator Alvise Pérez.
The growth of the PP would be fueled, in part, by the decline in support for Vox, which would go from the 9 seats it currently holds to the 7-8 that the poll gives it (16.3% of the electoral estimate).
The PSOE would maintain its position as the second political force with 26.7% of the votes of the voters in the Region, and would rise by more than one point. Despite the increase in voting intention, the socialists do not guarantee the 13th seat in the poll, and could end up with 12. In the elections of May 2023, the PSOE won 13 deputies.
The third formation would be Vox, which is down more than one point compared to May 2023, which would lead it to lose between one and two seats in favour of the PP, which would remain between seven and eight.
Podemos would maintain its parliamentary representation despite losing 0.4% of the votes, and would be around one to two seats. The analysis indicates that it would be on the verge of losing its second seat.

Absolute majority 23 seats

Absolute majority 23 seats

Absolute majority 23 seats
The results of the survey for PSOE and Podemos do not consider the possibility of Sumar running in the elections, “since it has not run in previous elections and the future composition of the formations to the left of the PSOE in the Region is not known.” If Yolanda Díaz’s party were to run in the regional elections in the Region, the PSOE would drop by just under three points and Podemos by less than one point.
Alvise Pérez’s party, Se Acabó la Fiesta, which won 6.58% of the votes in the European elections last June, could achieve representation in the Regional Assembly for the first time if the best estimates of the poll are confirmed, which give it 3.1% of the votes, between 0 and 1 seat.
Breaking the Government Pact
The survey also asks voters whether they consider Vox’s break with the government pact last July to be justified due to its discontent with the decision between the central government and the autonomous communities to take in 16 unaccompanied minors in the region.
Six out of ten respondents (58.5%) consider that the breaking of the pact by Antelo’s party is not justified, while 32.1% do consider it justifiable. 9.4% of voters did not answer this question. 16% of Vox voters also do not share their party’s decision.

Leader rating (0 to 10)
and degree of knowledge (%)

Leader rating (0 to 10)
and degree of knowledge (%)

Rating of leaders (from 0 to 10) and degree of knowledge (%)
Rating leaders
The Sigma Dos survey asked the 1,004 people interviewed who participated in the poll between September 2 and 11 their opinion of the leaders of the four parties in the Regional Assembly, on a scale of 0 to 10. The president of the Popular Party is the only one who passes, with a 5.7, and he is also the one who is most widely known among Murcians, with a very large 96.2. The second best-rated leader is Podemos MP María Marín, who almost passes with a 4.3, although she is the least recognised by those surveyed: only 43.8% know who she is. The general secretary of the Murcian socialists, José Vélez, is identified by 58.6% of Murcians, who do not give him a pass and give him a 3.9 in their assessment. Vox leader José Ángel Antelo has the worst rating, 3.6, and is recognized by 52.9% of those surveyed.
#achieve #absolute #majority #regional #elections #held #today #Verdad