New complications have arisen for the herpetologist and presenter Frank Cuesta and his animal sanctuary based on an anonymous complaint that someone has made to the Immigration Department of Thailand, as well as against the sanctuary.
Cuesta showed in one of his live shows some images of the cars and police officers at the door of the Freedom Sanctuary, after a complaint that has put his permanence in the country in trouble.
“We have received a multiple anonymous complaint, although we already know where it comes from,” said Frank Cuesta, although he asked that no names be given. “There is someone who wants me out of Thailand at all costs. “I ask that no one go and rebuke anyone, because officially it is an anonymous complaint, but it is against me.”
It is worth remembering that Cuesta has maintained a legal battle with his ex-wifeYuyee, who demanded payment for the sanctuary lands, which Cuesta himself had paid for, but which he had put in her name because foreigners could not have lands in the country.
After six years fighting for Yuyee’s release After being convicted of drug trafficking and taking her in after her release from prison, the relationship became complicated when she met a new partner. The situation was resolved with Cuesta paying Yuyee for his lands again so he could put them in the name of his son, Zorro.
“It has been very unpleasant, even though the officers have been very kind. It has been a very ugly moment, with a lot of police, the immigration department, Council…”, said Frank Cuesta about the visit of the police, who have been “chatting, looking at papers, taking photos, walking around the site…”.
“Tomorrow I have to go to a complicated meeting, not because I have done anything wrong, everything is in order, we have not broken the law in any waybut when there is a complaint they have to come,” he explained.
But Cuesta does not want to give up, at least for the moment, although he is going to paralyze new investments and improvements in the sanctuary. “You may have to make drastic decisions soon.because whoever wants me outside the country is going to use every means to tickle me, although obviously I fight,” he reflected.
“Tomorrow I am going to counterattack in a brutal way. I am going to lower my head with whoever I have to meet, but “I’m never going to take my pants down again.”he announced.
And Cuesta, who did not give many clues, claims to have “a video” that he has had for a long time and that he is going to present to the authorities. “If we go to war, we go to war“, he said.
That, yes, he was sorry for those close to him, for whom he fights and fears at the same time. “I fight for the people close to me and I help whoever… and the people who can hurt you the most are the people closest to you,” he said.
“I already told you: you will always be a foreigner here. In this country there is a lot of corruption and The police who come here are not the same as the people who are upstairs. and where it can be reached. If there were someone without scruples who let these complaints go forward, the worst consequences would be for my children, especially Zorro, who is the owner of the land,” he explained.
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