With the rains present in much of the countrythere are many Spanish and Spanish who are rethinking Get out of their homes to do sports. In factthere are those who have changed physical activities such as running, skating or cycling, outdoors, gym, swimming or basketball, in closed environments.
Normal, of course. Now, there is a discipline that seems to overcome – much – to the rest in terms of its positive effects on longevity and for which there would be a small effort these day, despite bad temperatures in our country. That is to say, We would have to take advantage of the few moments without rain to practice racket sports.
In depth
Apparently, Both tennis and bádminton, paddle tennis or tennis are related to greater life expectancy. In fact, according to a study of ‘British Journal of Sports Medicine‘, who practice racket sports very regularly have a 47% less likely to die.
Or at least that is the conclusion reached by several experts after evaluating more than 80,000 adults during nine years. A much higher percentage than swimming during the study period, which only showed a reduction in 28%.
More details
Of all racket sports, Tennis Increase life expectancy in those who practice it in almost ten years (9.7 to be more exact). The Bádminton is second with 6.2 yearsahead of soccer (4.7), cycling (3,7) and swimming (3,4). It is not just the best for longevity, also to be happy.
And where is the key? Well, in which racket sports are a Perfect combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Quick and intense efforts alternate with recovery periods make the heart and all blood vessels They are strengthened.
To take into account
And not just that: too physical and cognitive abilities improve. Through physical and mental coordination, in case this were not enough, they improve balance and agility, reflexes, concentration and mental acuity. Finally, Almost all the muscles of the body are mobilized, from the legs to the shoulders.
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