The 2025-26 course will involve a significant step forward in the increasingly weighted professional training, whose advances face the challenge of finding the necessary practices by companies. The new Vocational Training Law and the Royal Decrees that regulate this new stage are faced, as indicated by Luis García, president of the Association of Professional Training Centers FPEMPRESA, “to challenges such as verifying how the duration of the entire FP will result, the general dual, which will contemplate in its first courses part of training in companies.”
“From FPEMPRESS (adds) we understand the need for greater support to companies for a more efficient implementation, for example, with social security discounts, bonuses in public tenders, subsidies that contribute in this transitory period … even more so in companies that do not see the model at all clear.”
In this environment, and as part of the political-social debate, the matter raises opinions between public authorities. From the Ministry of Education, Science and Universities of the Community of Madrid, they point out that “we must get companies to collaborate despite the discouragement that can be the measures of the central government, which force students to quote the students for training and establish these practices from the first course.” From the Government, they assure, on the other hand, that “this whole strategy of transformation and modernization has been worked and agreed since the beginning of it, both with the CC.AA., with the educational community, the business sector, the social interlocutors and, ultimately, with all the agents involved.”
On the field, and from the academic field, the Community of Madrid highlights the relevance “of the new record in the number of registrations in the 2024/25 course, with 178,901 studentsa figure that doubles the nearly 83,000 young people enrolled ten years ago. In the Community of Madrid, 156 degrees (19 of basic degree, 41 of medium and 86 higher degree) belonging to 22 of the 26 existing professional families, in addition to 9 specialization courses in matters as demanded as virtual reality, intelligent manufacture or cellular crops »can be studied». Regarding employability, if 70.7% of those titled in the different degrees find work within the first year after finishing their studies, the figure amounts to 90% among those who perform the dual or intensive FP.
“The Community of Madrid (add) accompanies and advises the management teams of the 289 centers held with public funds in the region, responsible for managing these practices, so that they can comply with the new regulations.” The Ministry of Education has also signed an agreement with the Sermas to facilitate practices in specialties of the Health Branch «and we work to close agreements with institutions from other areas. They still do not have enough knowledge to take advantage of them ».
In the case of the Ministry of Education, Professional Training and Sports, the General Secretary of Vocational Training, Esther Monterrubio, affects the importance of public-private collaboration as one of the keys to address the transformation and modernization of the system promoted by the Ministry of Education in recent years: «We collaborate, in the frame shared by all the actors involved ».
The Ministry launched in 2021 the MEFPD, the alliance for professional training, framework with more than 300 companies to consolidate the new model in several lines of work: identification of new training needs in the labor market, new professional profiles and qualifications, design of training, accreditation of competences or implementation of the Dual FP. And several hubs have been created, such as Technological.
588 Professional certificates, 191 training cycles (34 basic degree, 65 average grade, 92 higher degree), and 29 specialization courses … a whole assortment of theoretical and practical knowledge for greater and better employability, with the business challenge of combining its demand for labor profiles with its expanded practical training responsibility. From CEOE, some challenges of this new stage “highlight” in which all students must go through companies with greater or lesser intensity, although each CC.AA. is applying different models. ” For example: “It is necessary to establish incentives (such as many European countries that have partial or total subsidy mechanisms of the salaries of apprentices), such as direct subsidies, tax exemptions, bonuses in social contributions or specific SMI for apprentices.”
They add how “measures such as the possible ‘Scholarship Statute’ or the price of unpaid practices do not contribute to the companies to crowd the apprentices” and how “the different conflicts of competencies must be overcome (between employment and education, between AGE and CCAA, among the CCAA with each other …) and coordinate the 17 different models of FP”. It is recognized, yes, “the important economic effort (the new LOFP is assigned 6,600 million euros, among which are funds from the recovery and resilience mechanism).”
While the efficiency of the model is checked, the specialized centers continue on their way, as Roi Álvarez, director of the FP Guzmán El Bueno, in Madrid: “In our center, in our center, we will take this new law, we carry many courses back collaborating with many companies in the sector to establish a center selection system by the student and optimal vice versa, as well as a ‘practice plan’, assimilated to the ‘Career Plan’ the total use of them, as well as their termination in a employment contract ». They have a ‘labor observatory’ to show the reality of the sector to students.
Álvarez also highlights initiatives such as the one undertaken by a new center «that will open in Córdoba the 2025-2026 course, the first university city of FP in Spain and the largest campus in Europe, the FP and Employment Campus, Campus Córdoba, where the companies will develop their own FP». Grupo Peña, Silbon, or the chef with three stars Michelín Paco Morales are already involved in this project.
Joint work
From Universae they point out how they maintain «strategic alliances with international organizations, foundations, government institutions and companies, facilitating More than 15,000 job opportunities. We collaborate with more than 20,000 companies in different countries, including Mapfre and Meliá, with which we have signed recent agreements. These companies not only welcome students in practices, but also actively contribute to the development of our academic offer ». Specific mentoring, events and modules propitiate interaction with students throughout their training and even after its completion.
Another example is that of Illerna, which collaborates with more than 6,000 companies to ensure that their students carry out practices in real work environments. «Thanks to these agreements, during the 2024-2025 course, around 9,000 practical agreements have been managed. This constant link with the business world allows first hand to know the needs of the labor market, which helps adjust the educational supply to the demand for qualified professionals ».
A performance to which the institution underlines the importance of collaboration between the public and private sector: “Administrations need to have well -trained professionals to cover vacancies in sectors such as health or educational, areas in which public centers cannot always cover all demand for themselves.”
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