The same day that it was known that the second attempt of evictions of one of the floors of the Orsola de Barcelona -prevista for this morning -, the owner of the property, Albert Ollé, Lionss administrator, has made … Public a devastating letter in which, tired of the attacks and having become in the eyes of public opinion into a “criminal”, announces his intention to sell the property.
«After receiving all kinds of insults and attacks, I suppose I will finally end up selling the farm. Paradoxically, when this happens, they may meet a real vulture that will have no interest in preserving heritage or in Reach agreements», Explains that he attacks particularly against Josep Torrent, the tenant who, with defeated contract, refuses to leave the property, so with the Tencin Union that has led the protests.
In his letter, Ollé explains that throughout the controversy it is ignored that “all tenants who went directly to us found a solution. For example, remember the case of a neighbor, Josefa, already deceased, who renewed his contract for 450 euros per month «. It is also ignored, he affirms that »another neighbor, after being caught introducing squatters On the farm, he received a renewal of the contract when his father, embarrassed, interceded for him «.
«For three years, the Orsola building has been the subject of discredit campaigns, illegal occupations and even vandalism that have damaged a modernist heritage that I wanted to preserve. Broken doors, painted walls and Common spaces abandoned They are not symbols of social justice, but of the inability to reconcile rights and duties. This is the fighting model to be legitimized?
Appealing directly to the tenant Josep Torrent, the owner wonders «What values he transmits to his students when he defends rental strikes and occupations, when he justifies that more than more than 700 euros for an attic with 60 meters of terrace on advice of one hundred with Calabria ». On another neighbor also in litigation, he affirms “that prevents his son from working so as not to lose the condition of vulnerable.”
«There has been a lot of vulnerability, but we must differentiate between who suffers it and who instrumentalizes it. Nor does another neighbor not explain that we offered two homes, one out and the other inside the Orsola house, and rejected them. In recent days he demanded a rental of 700 euros No increases for seven years. »On the other hand, Mr. Torrent, despite presenting himself as a victim, enjoys stability that many other tenants from Barcelona or dream. Is it fair that he, from this position, monopolizes the story of poverty while the right to responsible property is despised? «, Continues.
Already in a political key, the owner recalls that Torrent has questioned the proceeding of Mayor Collboni and the presidents Sánchez and Ililla, when in reality, he points out, “instead of seeking guilty, he would have to reflect if his situation is not a consequence of having trusted in those who promised thousands of social homes and did not build almost none, or have voted for who imposed the obligation of 30% of Official protectionthus paralyzing the construction of new housing in Barcelona, ”he points out in allusion to the policies of the previous term, with Ada Colau in front of the Consistory. Now we all pay the consequences.
In conclusion, he points out: «In a society where fundamental values are diluted, we must ask ourselves: who are the true vultures? See you around, and a lot of health ».
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