A local place in Córdoba would be focus of a poisoning that has affected 44 people. There were 72 diners who attended two different meals held at the place, where several montaditos de pringá were distributed, possibly causing the problem. The establishment about which the investigation is being carried out food poisoning with this product has assured that “they were consumed other cooked, handled and purchased products outside” its facilitiessuch as “celebration cakes and others.”
In a press release, the establishment has expressed its “deepest regret for the death that has occurred”, while clarifying that it has moved from “the first minute” his “deepest condolences to the family of the affected person”.
In this context, the establishment has explained that it received a food order for a private event that was held at the Brotherhood’s facilities located in front of the premises where the hotel establishment is located. Specifically, said request consisted of “supply 55 montaditos of pringá“, he clarified.
Given this, he has indicated that during that same day, the premises He sold another 100 montaditos de pringáwhich were consumed in their establishment. However, “none of the clients who consumed said product in these facilities have been affected by any type of digestive or intestinal disorder; the possible food poisoning is limited to the people who attended the private celebration held outside the facilities.”
Finally, the establishment has maintained that both the workers and the facilities themselves, meet “all the requirements and necessary training established in the health legislation and referring to hospitality establishments, having favorably passed each and every one of the inspection visits carried out by the Health Authorities to date.”
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