In it Gastronomy world -As in most arts- Recipes evolve over time. The flavors, just like us, adapt to the tastes and preferences of each era. However, some culinary traditions They have managed to last for centuries, leaving a mark on history.
Now, kitchen lovers can enjoy a unique opportunity: to know the oldest recipe book in Spain, a medieval document displayed for the first time to the public in an exhibition in Valencia.
The Llibre de feel Soví: a medieval gastronomic jewel
While the Llibre de feel Soví It is the oldest recipe book that is preserved in Spain, Tabmién should be noted that it is one of the most important in Europe. Written in Catalan at the beginning of the fifteenth century – although experts believe that its original version dates from 1324 – this manuscript collects recipes that reflect the gastronomy of the medieval nobility of What was the Catalan-Aragonese crown.
With elaborations that combine exotic ingredients, spices and unusual cooking techniques today, the recipe book is part of the exhibition “Medieval gastronomy. The Llibre of feel Soví and the kitchen in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries “organized by the University of Valencia at the La Nau Cultural Center. This sample offers a look at the evolution of medieval cuisine and its impact on current gastronomy.
Surprising dishes and forgotten flavors
He Llibre de feel Soví It presents recipes that, despite the passage of time, are still recognizable. Among them are the custards and cheese frittersdesserts that have come to this day with slight variations.
However, the recipe book also includes unconventional preparations for modern palate, such as sugar chickena dish that remembers the contemporary combination of honey and mustard.
This manuscript not only reflects the flavors of the time, but also the social context in which it developed. Medieval gastronomy was marked by hierarchy and limited access to certain ingredients. Thus, the recipe book was aimed at the nobility and contained dishes made with expensive spices such as cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, which were considered a sign of status and wealth.
This detail reflects how the gastronomy It was not only a matter of food, but also of social representation. Medieval banquets were occasions where power and influence were exhibited, and possessing a recipe book with the seal of a fictional monarch made it even more valuable.
An exhibition that transports to the past
The sample at the La Nau Cultural Center will be available until May 4 and is divided into three main sections:
- “Kitchen to read. The recipes and their ingredients “where the importance of gastronomic writing is explored.
- “Medieval stoves. The kitchen as work space and creation “which shows how kitchens were in the Middle Ages.
- “Eat together in the Middle Ages. THE UNIVERSE OF THE TABLE “which focuses on the customs and rituals of medieval cuisine.
Objects and documents of a forgotten world
To immerse the visitor in the medieval world, the exhibition has pieces from 23 museums and archives from all over Europe. Among the exposed objects are Kitchen utensils, golden ceramics, banquets account books and medieval food remains. In addition, there are illustrations of Gothic art and interactive montages that allow us to know more about the flavors and customs of seven centuries ago.
This exhibition not only celebrates the historical value of the Llibre de feel Sovíbut also invites you to reflect on how gastronomy has been, and remains, a reflection of society at every moment of history. A time trip that brings us closer to the table of the medieval nobility and allows us to rediscover the origins of our kitchen.
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