The Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), which organizes and manages the PISA tests, comes to the rescue of Catalan education. The director of Education of the international organization, Andreas Schleicher, has traveled to Barcelona to stage a collaboration agreement with the Generalitat with the aim of “improving the results of Catalan education.” The president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, who, accompanied by the Minister of Education Esther Niubó, today staged the pact with the head of the organization, already announced in September that they would ask Europe for help to overcome the debacle of the latest PISA tests ( students obtained the worst marks in the international ranking that measures the most basic competencies), and from other educational analyzes such as PRILS (International Progress in Reading Comprehension Study), or TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, in English), which confirmed the poor level of Catalan students in different areas of competence. The collaboration agreement between the Generalitat and the OECD was signed this morning during an event held at the Marta Mata school of Barcelona, in the Nou Barris district. Previously, Schleicher and Illa held a meeting at the Palau de la Generalitat. The OECD Director of Education has expressed his satisfaction at collaborating with Catalonia and has advanced that, although “we do not know what exactly Catalonia needs, “We can provide you with the experience of other countries in the world to help improve your system.” “We can provide inspiration to attract the best teachers to the classrooms and teach them based on other experiences how to better use resources,” said Scheilcher, who highlighted Catalonia’s potential to achieve this. “Catalonia has all the resources to position itself within the educational world,” he stated. “We signed a plan for a group of friends to work together to improve the future of the students.” For her part, Illa thanked Europe for its collaboration and, although she has highlighted the teaching and educational quality of the Catalan educational system, she recognizes that “there is path of improvement” according to the results of the latest international evaluations. The president recalled that the agreement will not bear immediate fruit, but rather that the results will arrive over a four-year horizon. “Miracles, in Lourdes,” Illa has settled. Related news report Yes EDUCATION AWARDS 2024 “The best showcase of educational excellence” Clara Rodríguez Miguélez standard No Spanish adults, behind the European tail Mathematics or reading? Check if you would pass the PISA report exam Esther ArmoraOn September 9, coinciding with the start of the school year, the Catalan president announced the collaboration agreement with the OECD within the framework of the Government meeting. He advanced that the purpose of the pact is for Catalonia to have “the best international experts and practices” to achieve educational excellence in Catalonia and overcome poor results. “It will be an agreement to have the best experts and the best practices in these countries in educational matters, work together with the educational community and look at how to improve education in Catalonia,” said Illa.Ustec-Stes, the school’s main union. public has already expressed its frontal rejection of the agreement. Today, after knowing the staging of the pact, he ratified his opposition to it. «That they reach agreements with an organization that for us is responsible for our low educational quality is abominable. We do not agree at all that one of the solutions to improve our educational system is this,” the president of Ustec-Stes, Iolanda Segura, stated today in statements to ABC. The union leader believes that the “business world” should not take decisions in education. “We do not consider that it should be the business world and large multinationals that dictate what decisions in education should be,” Segura said. Precisely what we should do is get off the OECD ship because since the educational criteria have been set by this organization that is when we are going wrong,” says the union spokesperson. She has criticized the “interference,” she says verbatim, of the OECD in the educational field and believes that the decisions they make will not be “pedagogical but business-oriented”, something that, in his opinion, is not good for education.
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