Why? They wonder in the Sevillian and Andalusian PP, and especially why now? After years of internal navage, everything seemed under control among the popular Sevillians until the honeymoon has exploded and has everyone tempting his clothes and trying to minimize damage. The Andalusian president himself, Juan Manuel Moreno, fajó to calm some waters that were back in 2022, when he finally managed to introduce a person of his confidence in front of the Sevillian popular discolos. But everything has jumped through the air in a matter of days with a story with snake dyes.
The publication by Diario de Sevilla of the accounting of the Sevillian PP Between 2011 and 2014, which points to alleged bonuses, the multiplication of restoration expenses and the diversion of money from the popular group in the Diputación de Sevilla to charter buses towards electoral acts, has caused an earthquake with epicenter in a very specific stage of the party: the one led by the now Hispanic mayor, José Luis Sanz, and his right hand and municipal delegate of the Treasury, Juan Bueno. But the shake has resulted in perplexity when THE MAIL OF ANDALUCÍA He has reported that this accounting was in a notary and took the current number two of the party in SevilleJosé Ricardo García, who is also a regional parliamentarian.
And this leads us to the double initial question: why and why now? The popular had never had so much power in Seville, with the Mayor’s Office of the capital and many municipalities in the province, to the point that the PSOE lost its hegemonic absolute majority in the Diputación. And not to mention the resounding absolute majority that Moreno reaped in 2022 with victory in the province included, which looked like the balm for all evils. Why then shake that oil raft?
A convulsive stage
What seems evident is that the starting point is a movement against José Luis Sanz, which assumed it in the municipal plenary last Thursday. “Dead campaigns nor this is the first one or the last one,” he said, which he finished with a whole declaration of intentions: “The mayor of Seville is not coercion.” But subconscious himself betrayed him, since by inertia he accused the PSOE to immediately corrected and point out that the socialists “have been entangled” with this issue. That is, they have joined a party that has started another.

In all this, there is a first certainty that is none other than the accounting of the party was guarded in a notary by decision of the party itself, which indicates that it was considered compromising enough. The decision was made by the president of the Sevillian PP between 2017 and 2022, Virginia Pérez, who succeeded Juan Bueno (2012-2017) and José Luis Sanz (2007-2011) to lead a truffled stage of unsuspected alliances, Side changes and unexpected resistance to undergoing what the Andalusian direction dictated.
When this documentation became public, everyone looked at Pérez, especially because the first barrage was against good and there are still many pending accounts between them. The former president of the Sevillian PP left the position in 2022 after a pact that guaranteed him an exit position in the regional of that year, as it was, and has sharply denied being the zero kilometer of a filtration that does not benefit him in anything and that In any case I would have used when it was embarked on intestine fights. In addition, with good the relationship may not be the best, but the candidacy for mayor of José Luis Sanz was a very personal bet.
To rummage in the wound
The truth is that this shaking may have eroded to Sanz and well, but he has also indirectly splashed a Juan Manuel Moreno whom Sevilla returns to give him headaches. For now, that the number two of the party has drawn the documentation of the notary does not leave in very good place the current president of the popular Sevillians, Ricardo Sánchez, who is a person of his maximum confidence and also delegate of the Board in the province .
To this, it is necessary that the PSOE wants to rummage in the wound carrying the bonuses to the Andalusian Parliament, and for this he tries to convene the Commission for the monitoring and control of financing of political parties, which has been inactive for almost 30 years. The objective would be none other than to load against the president in the Chamber itself, something in principle uncomitable by this route because the PP controls the table that must convene it.

In parallel, the socialists have thrown themselves into Ricardo Sánchez’s own neck, with the argument that the secretary general of the party in Seville would not have taken the step of withdrawing the accounting of the notary without the knowledge – and the theoretical approval – of Its president. And why would this step have taken? Because it would be a defensive movement since Sanchez does not cross his best moment, after being accused by a judge of a crime of unfair administration in the case of the private funeral home in Mairena del Alcor, a municipality of which he was mayor.
Of those powders, these sludge
From there, the ban on speculation themselves opens in popular and socialist ranks: if Sanchez believes that the funeral home has stirred from the PP to harm him, that if it is a maneuver to burn rivals, advance Possible attempt to move the chair of provincial president … In any case, the most shared sensation in the PP is that of disbelief for a story that has reopened the party on the channel In Seville.
To make the issue still more rocambolesca, it turns out that the provincial number two, José Ricardo García, in addition to a parliamentarian is a councilor in Carmona, whose mayor (Juan Ávila, who is also a senator) was the first name that Juan Manuel Moreno threw to the Palestra In 2021 to snatch power from Virginia Pérez without getting it. That campaign was very hard, ended with complaints of Pucherazo and threats to go to court and would have left Ávila very unhappy with the role he had to play.
Moreno’s commitment to remove Pérez was because the province of Seville was free in the Andalusian PP, to the point that he aligned with a national direction that then (2021) captained Pablo Casado and Teodoro García Egea. That opened a crisis between the directions in Madrid and Andalusia, to the point that Moreno himself did not take Pérez in his designation and gave García Egea plant. There were more tensions, heads such as the municipal spokesman at the City of Seville and in the end, a truce more than anything for not hurting the Andalusian president in the doors of the regional elections.

The Andalusian PP now looks little less than forced to take measures before the caliber of what has happened. For now, the spokesman for the popular parliamentary group, Toni Martín, has already announced that “internal mechanisms will be activated to purify responsibilities” to confirm who leaked the documents. “The Andalusian PP is not going to assess the internal performance of this person or allow it to damage the party,” he added, and what has already transcended is that José Ricardo García has already passed through San Fernando (Andalusian Regional Headquarters) to give up Explanations.
The elongated shadow of Javier Arenas
Of course, the investigation is exclusively to find out who announced the accounting, not whether or not there . The mayor insists that in his stage “there was never a bonus” and that all the expenses made were legal, “neither violated the law now nor in 2011”. “I don’t feel cornered, because I have not done anything illegal, I will resign,” he has abounded, while he assures that the income he received was not bonus but “operating expenses” of the party.
In the backdrop in all these movements there are few who see the figure of the father of the Sevillian and Andalusian PP, Javier Arenas, who for years has alleges that he is removed from these battles but whose shadow insists that he remains elongated. Arenas left in 2012 an presidency of the Andalusian PP assumed Juan Ignacio Zoido and then maneuvering against the Zoideists promoting Virginia Pérez, who won the Provincial Congress of 2017.
Paradoxically, Pérez ended up aligned with his former enemies while his once allies (spur by sand) Sanz among his own, but he snatched by surprise (and after the direct designation of Mariano Rajoy) the presidency of the PP-A when Zoido left it in 2014. And Javier Arenas, today deputy PP spokesman in the Senate? A high position of the popular Sevillians said it in 2021, with the party in the middle of the Civil War: “The PP of Seville will calm down when Javier Arenas ever leaves intrigued.”
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