Last September 2024, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Interior Minister, together with Pere Navarro, general director of the DGT, announced the intention of the traffic administration to reduce the breathalyzer rate.
This claim of the DGT supposed passes from 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter in blood, and 0.25 milligrams per liter in an air to 0.2 grams per liter of blood and 0.1 mg per liter of exhaled air.
Last Tuesday, March 18, the Plenary of the Congress of Deputies took into consideration this proposal of law on the reduction of the maximum alcohol rate at the wheel.
Presented by the PSOE, the initiative begins its processing thanks to the 177 votes in favor, 32 against (Vox) and 135 abstentions (PP), so several reforms will soon be made in the Law on Traffic Circulation of motor vehicles and road safety in the breathalyzer section.
When does it come into force?
After having exceeded the vote in the Congress of Deputies, the proposal must be sent to the pertinent commission to then open the corresponding period of amendments to the totality and articles, as required in article 126.5 of the Regulation of the Congress.
Once these steps have been carried out, if there are amendments to the whole, the totality debate will be carried out. Finally, if the initiative is approved by the lower house, it will be sent to the Senate to continue its parliamentary processing.
Therefore, The entry into force of the new breathalyzer rate will not be effective until the third quarter or the fourth of this 2025. Or what is the same, this measure will begin to apply at the end of the year.
Current sanctions for alcohol or drugs
Today, these are the sanctions that are collected for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (still valid fines):
How many beers to give positive?
In accordance with the provisions of the DGT alcoholic beverage equivalence, A third of beer (330 ml) It usually provokes A man between 70 and 90 kilograms A rate of between 0.21 and 0.28 mg/l of alcohol in exhaled air. For its part, A woman with a weight of between 50 and 70 kilograms would give between 0.34 and 0.48 mg/l.
Therefore, with the new limit that will establish the DGT, be a man or woman, You would give in any positive case in a breathalyzer controleven if you only take a fifth of beer (200 ml).
In the event that you are not beer, you should know that in case of Drink a glass of wine (100 ml), this can generate a rate of between 0.16 and 0.20 mg/lso you could not drive, when with the previous limit this was possible.
In short, the change in the DGT breathalyzer rate implies, in practice, Do not consume a single drop of alcohol in case you are going to take your car or motorcycle.
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