Beatrice Belcuore is the 25-year-old carabinieri who committed suicide yesterday at the Cadet Marshals School in Florence
The tragedy that struck the school of marshal students in Florence yesterday profoundly shook the Carabinieri and the entire public opinion. A young 25-year-old police officer yesterday around 1pm entered a classroom and never left again: she took her own life by firing a shot with her service pistol. The girl's name was Beatrice Belcuore and yet another victim of psychological trauma which, if followed by adequate support therapy, could perhaps be avoided.
The other students raised the alarm about the tragedy; unfortunately the timely intervention of the emergency services was in vain; there was nothing that could be done for her. Beatrice, daughter of art because her father is also a policeman in the Radiomobile Wing of the Carabinieri Company Command of Poggio Mirteto, she was originally from the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Farfa, in the province of Rieti and was only 25 years old.

The reasons for the gesture are unknown Beatrice Belcuore she died in silence without leaving a note or any clue that would indicate the gesture she intended to perform. She simply closed the door behind her and pulled the trigger. The other students rushed quickly and called for help but the intervention of the ambulance paramedics was of no avail.

Let's talk about again suicides within the police force. The type of work required, the often tight shifts, the stress and the distance from the family often cause psychological situations that require support. For this reason, the Carabinieri has signed an agreement with the order of psychologists to guarantee an always active service to young people who undertake this difficult career for the public and common good. The situation requires timely interventions and effective to prevent the number of these episodes from continuing to rise.

The mayor of Castelnovo di Farla, Luca Zonetti declared that the municipality will proclaim city mourning on the day of Beatrice's funeral. Meanwhile, her family is shattered by the immense tragedy that has struck her: all the people who knew the young woman join in the family's condolences.
Read also: 25-year-old Carabinieri locks herself in the classroom of the school for marshals in Florence, then the dramatic gesture
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