Buenos Aires – Ezequiel Lavezzi has been hospitalized since yesterday in a clinic, the Dharma, for addiction and mental health treatment in the Boedo district, where personalities and stars from the Argentine music and entertainment world have already been guests. Previously the former Genoa striker (in 2005 he played only 3 friendlies with the rossoblù shirt, before the relegation of the official club to Serie C and the permanent transfer to San Lorenzo), Napoli and PSG, and Olympic gold in Beijing 2008, had undergone a series of in-depth checks in another facility in the Belgrano area. As for the rumor of his alleged overdose, already denied yesterday with a post on Instagram by Tomas Lavezzi, son of the former footballer, these are indeed fantasies. The online edition of Clarin to clarify the matter following yesterday's news.

Ezequiel Lavezzi, Lucas Rimoldi and Diego Milito with the Genoa shirt
Lavezzi is located in a clinic equipped with a gym, table tennis room and a large garden full of vegetation. The online newspaper writes that “a large number of specialists deal with him”. It is not known how long Lavezzi will remain in this structure. He had arrived in Argentina transported from Uruguay (where he was hospitalized in Punta del Este) with “a medical plane”. The last image of him is the one posted of his son in which he is, smiling and apparently in good condition, together with Tomas and the boy's mother. According to Clarin the photo would have been taken on Christmas Eve.
The son's denial
“My father is fine, he is undergoing treatment. Stop inventing things that aren't true. He didn't overdose and nothing of what they say happened to him.” He wrote this on his Instagram profile Tomas Lavezzi, son of Ezequiel, the “Pocho”denying the rumors about the father's health conditions, which have circulated in the Argentine press in the last few hours, which spoke, among other things, of overdose, police intervention and hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.
Rumors had already circulated in recent weeks about the 38-year-old, former Napoli striker, after his hospitalization at the hospital in Punta del Este, Uruguay, due to a domestic accident, as explained by the former player's family. A few days ago, his son Tomas posted a family photo, hugging his father with the writing: “What a happiness to be with you! The greatest thing I have.”
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